Receive His Rest

 Receive His Rest

written by Erin Fuller

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened down, and I will give you rest” - Matthew 11:28

Are you past the point of weary? Are your burdens weighing you down? God wants to give you rest no matter what you are going through today. While responsibilities pile up, and we begin to feel tired and weary by the pressures, stresses, and difficulties of life, there’s good news: Jesus is already waiting for you. His arms are outstretched, waiting to embrace you. 

When we’re exhausted, He wants to provide us with everlasting peace.

When we’re afraid, He wants us to fill us with his courage.

When we’re weak, He wants to be our strength. 

When we’re feeling alone, His presence draws near to us. 

When we’re broken, He puts the pieces back together.

As humans, it’s easy to become weighed down by the cares of this life. Scripture reminds us to “cast our cares upon Him.” (1 Peter 5:7)  He created us to need Him, but also to want Him. In order for Him to be our Sustainer, we must surrender our circumstances to Him. When you turn to Jesus in the midst of your crisis, you open yourself up to blessing and provision He longs to give you. A quote I read recently sums this up nicely, “Everything might feel overwhelming to you but it isn’t overwhelming to God. Give Him your burdens.”  Remember, our lives are destined for eternity. In this life, we make decisions that will ultimately determine our eternal destiny. Whether we choose to surrender our story to Christ, or not shapes the direction of our lives.

Finding rest in Christ means fully depending on Him, even when the world swirls around us in constant chaos. So, run to Him. Rest in Him. He is everything that you need. Regardless of the unknowns of life, we can rest assured that "Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)

In closing, resting in Christ is an intentional way to quiet ourselves before Him, in order to have peace and a fresh perspective. Finding physical and mental rest allows us to have spiritual restoration and revives us to become more influential Christians.

“Those who leave everything in god's hands will eventually see god's hand in everything” - Unknown 

As always, thank you for taking the time to read today’s post! I hope that it encourages you to take a break from the chaos of life and find strength each new day!


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