Jesus is the Way

 "Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." - John 14:6

Jesus is the only way. There are no shortcuts, no other options, and no other paths. Jesus didn't say "I have a way for you to get to  the Father, and it's the best out there." No, he says I AM THE WAY. There is no other way. The cross is a one-size-fits-all. You don't have to go around wondering if you picked the right option. You have hope and peace because you know the way. 

We can quickly end up somewhere that we never intended to go if we are not paying attention to who we are following. It really matters who we allow ourselves to be influenced by. Some will point us to the way, and others will drive us away from that perfect way. When you come to Jesus and walk in His way He will lead you and carry you through life. There are so many things that can beg for our attention, but Jesus really wants to be first. Make Him first in your life.

If we seek Jesus and his ways he will make all of our ways perfect. Proverbs 3:6 "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." When you follow Jesus you'll always find what you're looking for. If your heart is longing for something to fill it, go to Jesus. As Christians, God always knows which way we are going because Jesus is the way. 

There may be many ways to go in this world, but only one leads you to the Father. No one can get to the Father but through Jesus Christ. Jesus holds the key to a relationship with the Father. 

Jesus is the way to freedom and fulfillment. The world has deceived people into thinking living their own way and embracing their own standards is freedom. But in reality, they are slaves to sin and themselves. They need to hear the message that Jesus is the way to freedom from sin. "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." There is freedom and peace in Jesus. 

We may know that Jesus is the way, but sometimes we can have a hard time living it because of influences around us or we are prone to worrying instead of taking it to the Lord in prayer. Mindfulness and discipline are important. We need to learn the ways of the Lord so that we can walk in them. So if you are not getting in your Bible and reading about what the ways of the Lord are you will have a hard time walking in His ways.

When you find Jesus you have found the way. I will promise you it is the best way you will ever take and it will lead you straight to the Father. 

I hope you have an amazing day! ~ Authentically Allison 


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