Six Things to Remember When Feeling Insecure


Hey, all:) It's Mikayla! Today I’m going to be covering a broad topic, but by offering simple tips and things I’ve locked up while living, haha. 

Being insecure has become something we sometimes look down on, but also avoid confronting. We all struggle with lack of security and need to develop a healthy lifestyle and mindset when battling it. 

1) Allow yourself to go down the rabbit trail

Sometimes pushing insecurities aside will make them grow stronger. So instead of dismissing them, evaluate where they are coming from. Identifying the root of the insecurity will provide a way for you to eliminate it. 

However, don’t let yourself stay on the trail. There’s a fine line between dwelling on insecurity and full on moping. It takes effort to get yourself out of the fog of inferior and insecure emotions. But, your perspective and mindset will save you from going too far with your thinking. 

2) Flip the script 

Insecurities fuel negative self talk. So when the inter dialogue becomes not so nice, cut it out. For example, stop thinking of all the things people aren’t going to like about you and focus on your likable qualities they will like. Negativity builds up when we let it. We have control of our thoughts, friends. Creating a healthy reaction to negative thoughts will help you in the long run. 

3) Lean on your people 

Hopefully you have people who will encourage you. God’s Word commands us to uplift and encourage one another. We all should have at least one person to seek affection from, whether that be family, a significant other, friend or simple acquaintance. Find the people you can trust to lean on and never hold back when in need of support. 

4) Remind yourself of practical truth 

Hey, you know a few solid truths about yourself. You know what you believe in, you know what you like and you know what you enjoy. Insecurities are often like little things hiding inside you getting in the way of seeing true value in yourself. What helps me is listing off things I know without a shadow of a doubt are true. 

For example, I know God has given me specific gifts no one else has, I know I can love, give good hugs, bake and sing (ish, lol) I know I am loved by my family and friends. I’m blessed to have a list of people I can lean on to reassure me. I know I have a big God who tells me what I am in His Word! Listing off things you know are solid and true will give you something to hold on to.

5) Watch your conduct 

We’ve all seen insecure people treat their insecurities by diverting to dismantling other’s confidence. Insecure people can be ugly. Watch how you treat others while dealing with your insecurities. I refuse to ever look down on someone by how they do something I’m good at because I have a lack of security in my own ability to do what they can accomplish excellently. Because guess what you’re doing while you’re diverting to others in this way? Feeding more and more insecurity. Watch yourself. We need to all strive to be Christ-like with a gentle, humbling spirit. 

6) Give yourself some grace 

We’re. Not. Perfect. We are not to ever achieve perfection on this earth. We as a society have molded the perfect image of perfection that we’re convinced one must access and possess. You see other people. They seem perfect at what you can’t seem to be decent at. It’s intimidating and exhausting. However, it’s okay to feel insecure sometimes. It’s when you let the lack of security define your thinking and living. You’re not perfect, no one is. Pound into your own head, “I am set apart and at my own speed with my own life”. Insecurities are normal. 

Side Ramble - But the most important takeaway 

There are many causes of insecurity, but the biggest among them is our failure to fully trust God. As believers, we have this assurance: “And those who know Your name put their trust in You, for You, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You” (Psalm 9:10) 

Lack of “security” lies within the lack of resistance to the enemy's lies. Satan’s biggest weapon at times is our minds, manipulating how we think and even view ourselves as well as God. He throws huge arrows in our faces, pointing us in the direction of doubt. He wants us to feel insecure over the meaning and purpose of our lives, where we’re going, and how we’ll get there. 

A lot of times, the reason for our insecurities is a matter of having an “it’s all about me” mentality. The Bible warns us about self-absorption and pride. This is sin. (Romans 12:3) 

Friends, the biggest thing I have struggled with in my short life is self comparison and insecurities within myself. As one who has been a slave to these thoughts and feelings, I adamantly encourage you to look outside of your insecurity. God has so much more for you! 

When struggling with feelings of insecurity, never forget God’s promise: “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” (Isaiah 26:3) 

I hope this post has encouraged you, friends. 

- Mikayla Poff <3


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