A Spirit of Gentleness

 Gentleness is not something that first comes to our mind when we think of qualities of a Christian. At least not for me. But it was a word that I came across while doing a study of the Fruit of the Spirit. I realized that this is a quality that God thinks very highly of. 1 Peter 3:4 says “even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” It is a big deal to God that Christians are to be gentle. As Christians we are called to be gentle in our spirits. 

Who better than Jesus to look at as a portrait of gentleness. The Bible says that we are to be in likeness to Him. There was no doubt that Jesus had the most gentle spirit of anyone how has been on this Earth. When Judas had betrayed Him, Jesus in his gentleness still called Judas a friend. Jesus displayed gentleness when he cried out to the father “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” 

Some may think gentleness means to be weak but, gentleness is not a sign of weakness it is being gentle in your strength. Jesus knee that he could bring himself off the cross. He could have argued with them and showed them his power but in his gentleness he knew that the Father had more in store for him.

The opposite of being gentle is to have a heart of pride. I could point out many time in the Bible where God rebukes pridefulness. In Psalm 10 it talks about how the prideful will not seek after God and that they are wicked. James 4:6 says “But he giveth more grace. Wherefore, he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. I want to pray “Lord if you see any way in me that shows pridefulness point it out and help me to replace it with gentleness and humbleness.” 

Gentleness has nothing to do with our personality or being outgoing or talkative but everything to do with a heart posture. If we are putting ourselves in a light of being more important than others or God that is when we need to take inventory of our hearts.

Lastly, I want to share some ways of how to train our spirit to be gentle. We must learn to put ourselves aside and put others before ourselves, and most importantly God over all. Gentleness can simply be becoming more like Christ and humbly letting him work in your heart and letting that work in your heart shine through to the people around you. 

Thank you reading! I hope this post has encouraged you!

Have a lovely day!  - Authentically Allison 


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