Who He Is Changes Everything

 Who He Is Changes Everything 

Hey friends! It’s Erin, and I’m back ;)

In order to love Jesus, we must know him. Today’s post will be focused on knowing Jesus better and looking at some of the different attributes of his character.  In order for us to know our identity, we must truly know Christ. It is important we know our identity because who we believe we are will directly impact how we choose to serve our Savior. We have to understand who God is to understand who we are and what we are called to in life. 

The Bible tells us many different things about Jesus that we could look at, but we’re going to keep it to four things today. 

  1. “I am the Living Water” - John 4:14

Jesus uses the phrase “living water” twice in the New Testament. The first instance appears in the story of the Samaritan woman at the well, who had come to draw water and Jesus asked her for a drink. Knowing the cultural boundaries, she questioned why he would ask for a drink when He was a Jew. Jesus ignored the question and went to the point “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water”  (John 4:10). While Jesus tells us that living water quenches thirst, he doesn’t explain what it is entirely, which leads us to the second instance. In this scenario, Jesus is in the temple surrounded by worshippers. All at once, he spontaneously cries out “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me  and drink He who believes in Me, as the Scriptures said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’ But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified” (John 7:37-39). Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as the living water. At this point, the gift of the Holy Spirit had not yet been received. It is truly the ministry of the Holy Spirit, flowing out of a heart redeemed and renewed by God. Only Jesus can quench our thirsting and longing.

  1. “I am the breath of life” - Job 33:4

With the breath of life, God brought man and women into existence. He breathed his own breath into Adam. This distinguishes man from all other creatures, because we have been made in the image of God. He is the true source of physical life, but also spiritual life. The breath of life causes us to be like Christ, meaning we have a soul that will live eternally. Where that soul lives is up to us! Jesus died on the cross so that we could have a way to Heaven. Whether physical or spiritual breath, all life is a gift given from our Creator. When Jesus breathed His Spirit on his people, he brought new life.

  1. “I am the bread of life” ~ john 6:35

The statement “I am the bread of life” signifies we find full satisfaction for our needs in and through Christ. He is our provider, for both physical and spiritual needs. The Greek root of the word bread here refers to manna of the desert, but symbolizes any type of food. Our strength comes from Christ and Scripture echoes that the purpose of our lives is to glorify Him. While food is a physical need, Jesus explained that our every desire can be completely satisfied by Him. The Israelites were required to put their faith to the test and trust that God would daily provided manna for them to eat, their literal daily bread. Jesus is imploring believers to place full confidence in Him, a trust that will lead to true satisfaction. 

  1. “I am the light of the world” ~ john 8:12

Jesus saying that he is the “light of the world” is truly a recognition of His Father’s creation and presence, and an inward dwelling of the Spirit, by which we know our Heavenly Father. Jesus is the light of the world, our world which has been darkened by sin. Through his sacrificial death, we are exposed to light and recognize our need for a Savior. His death broke through the darkness, lighting a path for us to receive salvation. Just like a boat needs navigation in a dark storm, we also need a guiding light in the darkest storms of life. Jesus is that light. His light will guide us safely home! 

It’s remarkable about how Jesus in his attributes used tangible things that we need to survive. Water, air, bread, and light are all things that we need to live. Science says those are the basic elements we need to survive. In that case, science got it right. We truly need Jesus to live! 

When we know better who Jesus is, we are able to find our identity in Him instead of the world . Jesus was bruised but brought us healing to aching hearts. He was persecuted but brought freedom to enslaved souls. Everything he touched, he changed. Who he is allows us to experience transformative grace that changes us. He is still changing hearts and lives today. 

There’s so many things I could say, but I’ll end with this…

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

No matter what you may be facing, one thing stays the same - Jesus never changes. He is all you need Him to be. Find rest in Him.


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