Ordinary Is Extraordinary


Ordinary Is Extraordinary

by Erin Fuller

As we draw near to the most treasured holiday, we reflect upon the wonder of our Savior. We rehearse the Nativity story and remark upon the beauty of the Lord Jesus’ birth. In the big picture perspective, God orchestrated a master plan long before! Through the books of the prophets, we read prophesy after prophesy that point us to the birth of Christ. 

Jesus’ long awaited birth was not without great hardship, but God’s hand guided. When we think of the true story of Christmas, it's easy to imagine a picture perfect world, and to forget that they were real people facing real circumstances. 

Way back then, they were not exempt from difficulties. C.S. Lewis once said, “Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace within difficulties,” Jesus himself was sinless, but he still had trials. Joseph wrestled with feeling confused + betrayed, until Gabriel’s wondrous visit. Mary journeyed many miles to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Through every single situation, they faced tremendous struggles, but God was with them. 

He has promised, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). Mary and Joseph were ordinary people used by God for an extraordinary destiny. Little did they know that they would be considered heroes of the faith, and be remembered every holiday season.

 So why am I rambling?

To remind us of the tremendous impact that we can have! No matter how small we feel, God can use us to touch lives for Him. Our circle of influence can be a way to represent Christ, even in the little things. Everyday things may feel mundane, but the small things we do for Christ prepare us for the big things. “Do small things with great love” (Mother Theresa). 

Why was Mary chosen to bear the Savior of the World? The consistent daily living didn't go unnoticed, and neither will yours! Whether it’s maintaining healthy friendships, prioritizing church services, or spending time everyday with the Lord. Regardless of what it may be, each task is valuable. God’s Word tells us that whatever we do, should be done to it with all of your might (Ecclesiastes 9:10).  Mary’s life was a reflection of such living. May we strive to follow her example! 

If you keep on serving Christ, doing your part, you can expect great things from God. While we should attempt great things for God out of our own love for Him, we have been promised that “greater is your reward in Heaven.” Not only do we have the promise of an eternal reward, we can also anticipate the blessings of life on Earth. “No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:10). 

So the next time you are tempted to complain about the ordinary inconveniences, remember that God is simply creating his extraordinary masterpiece! 


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