3 Ways to Be Intentional During the Holidays

3 Ways to Be Intentional During the Holiday

The holiday season has officially arrived! It’s a beautiful time of year, from Christmas music playing in every store and picture perfect decorations everywhere you go. An increased number of giggles can be heard as children (and adults) anticipate the arrival of Christmas Day! 

On the other hand, there’s also the stressful side of the holidays. Christmas programs, family pictures, and all of the events often seem endless. Wait - that reminds me of another gift I need to buy! How can we get it done in so little time? 

As wonderful as the time of year may be, instead of hope, joy, and excitement are often swallowed by stress. Our days are filled with running from one task to the next, doing something. That’s one of the quickest ways that humans get burnt out and experience anxiety, no matter how much of an extrovert you might be. So, how can we be intentional during the holidays? 

  1. Pace yourself during the holiday season. 

Realize that the holiday season is a marathon, not a sprint. In other words, pace yourself. As impossible as it may seem, it is necessary for your sanity. By pacing yourself, you can create a structured rhythm. Busyness is exhausting, and it is important to give yourself some grace. Practice saying “no” without feeling guilty, and acknowledge that we simply cannot do everything. Any runner will tell you that a healthy lifestyle is vital to successfully training for a race. This includes having a positive attitude about yourself and not sacrificing your sleep for insanity. 

Personal note: I personally start Christmas shopping in October, simply so I can enjoy the month of December. I understand this might not be everyone’s style, but don’t knock it until you try it! 

  1. Prioritize the important things! 

During the holiday season, our obligations multiply, but as much as there is happening, it’s even more important to take time for the things and people that matter most. Friends, family, and whoever else deserve the priority of your time. Rather than thinking about the next thing on the to-do list, live in the moment. Choose to be intentional about being present and focus on making memories with your loved ones. These are the people you’re stuck with for a lifetime, so you might as well enjoy the moments you have with them. Remember, tomorrow is not promised. Live each moment knowing that it could be your last. Speaking for myself, the last thing I would want to do would be spending time with my family. 

  1. Embrace the true meaning of the season. 

All of the hustle and bustle of the season dims our perspective of the gift of heaven. 

Corrie Ten Boom once wrote, “Who can add to Christmas? The perfect motive is that God so loved the world. The perfect gift is that He gave His only Son. The only requirement is to believe in Him. The reward of the faith is that you shall have an everlasting life.” Christmas is not about fancy gifts, elaborate decorations, or huge gatherings. Rather, Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our Savior. Jesus was born in a wicked world to redeem us from our sins. The true meaning of Christmas rests in the advent of Jesus into the world - nothing else can compare, just as Ten Boom expressed. By focusing on Jesus, we embrace the Christmas spirit.

If you’re still struggling, remember that Jesus came to earth to bring us peace. When you think of peace, what do you envision? Peace is not rushed or restless. It is a calm assurance that Christ granted us when he paid the price for our sins. In conclusion, I challenge you to pace yourself, prioritize family, and embrace the true meaning of the season: Jesus! 


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