When God has Another Plan

Hey, and everyone! It’s Mikayla—been a hot minute, haha. God is working here at UBC, and now I’m finally back with a new post ;)) I hope you find it encouraging. :) 

So, plans—we all have them, right? Some more than others, maybe some less than others. However, plans are something we set our mind on in a way, right? However, sometimes what we choose for ourselves isn’t exactly God’s idea.

There are many instances in the Bible where plans were just plumb thrown away. For example, Moses didn’t plan for God to part the Red Sea, taking his home people and fleeing from Pharaoh and the Egyptians. That probably never crossed his mind—until God guided him in His plan for the Israelites. And they were delivered. 

Another example would be Queen Esther. Before Esther was Queen, I’m quite positive she would never imagine what awaited her. She didn’t plan to confront the king in that bold, risky way, but once she made it into the King's palace as the Queen—she did. And God was within her.

In many of the Bible stories we hear, read about and apply in our lives, God changed the plan. And it turned out so much better than anyone could have hoped for. 

Let’s face it, life’s just strange. Plans change like the wind, and we often find ourselves confused as too, where on earth am I? What am I supposed to do now? What is happening?

Friend, life is filled with changed plans. You could have your entire life mapped out in front of you, and by next week they may be all haywire. Life is unpredictable—and it’s tough. 

But God has good news; He has a plan and is GUIDING your steps! He’s in the business of turning your “plans” into His plan. 

As someone whose plans have been changed before, I can say that when God revealed to me what I should be doing, it ended up to be way more incredible than I ever pictured it. I can say, that by going by the plan I had for my future a year ago I wouldn’t have been happy. I would have been living someone else’s dream, unsatisfied and above all else—not in the center of God’s will…which is not what God intends for any of His children. Now here I am living in His Will, and never would have expected it to look like this. I’m happy, healthy and thriving on God’s provision. God’s plan is perfect. 

But, what about my plans? 

Your plans are still important, friend. Just because God has another plan, doesn’t mean the plans you had are suddenly meaningless. Those plans— those are the reason you got here, and have seen that God just didn’t want that for your life. It’s hard to let go of plans, but friend—the plan God has will be so much better. Choose to believe that. Choose. 

Proverbs 16:9 goes to say, “A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps” If we are in the center of God’s will unimaginable things can happen. Remain prayerful and submissive to God’s voice and convictions, His plan will become more clearer. 

 Listen, as much as we’d like to be, we are not in charge of God’s plan. It’s hard to deny ourselves full control. But friend, let go and let God. Let God what? Let Him guide you in His perfect path. Let Him guide you to unthinkably good things. Take these thoughts with you today:))


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