10 Things I Wish I Would Have Known at Thirteen

Hey, friend❤️ it’s Mikayla with a post I hope you’ll find encouraging, as always:)) this one is more geared toward younger girls, but has advice we can still take with us! Feel free to leave feedback! 

•it’s not a sin to be awkward 

-you’re 13, it’s OKAY to be awkward. You’re finding yourself, figuring out how you fit, what you like, things you identify with. It’s ok. 

•don’t do everything everyone else does 

-you’re going to feel pressure from your peers. I still feel peer pressure at eighteen and in college…and probably still will at thirty with a family. It’s real. ‘So and so’ did it, so I’m going to. Or ‘so and so’ feels like I should I make this decision, so I’ll do it their way. Don’t do this. If you yield to all the pressure you’ll ever feel from your peers, you won’t be doing so hot, honey haha! You have a choice; you do what they do, or you do what you know you should and be an example! You’re all trying to figure out this life together, so why not try to be the bigger person?

•obey your parents, because they really do know best 

-the rules, “strict” standards, annoying restrictions and continuous advice—don’t be so quick to roll your eyes. You’re parents/guardians have been where you are. They’ve been an awkward teenager finding their way. Listen to their advice:)) 

•find a hobby 

-I recommend finding an outlet to put yourself into. For me it was painting and reading! Find what you like to do and improve at it. Whether that is reading, writing, drawing, playing an instrument, sports or anything else—find that and glorify God with it. 

•It’s okay to feel out of place 

-you want to fit. You want to feel like you belong, but at thirteen you often won’t. Whether it’s family, friends or even in Walmart. Family gatherings are the worst in this stage, because you are changing. Your looks, your voice, your interests, your mannerisms are all changing. Being surrounded by uncles, aunts, cousins, etc…you may feel like you’ve never been this awkward before. But it’s how you grow.

•the world isn’t watching 

-this point is a follow up of the last, somewhat. For me, at least, at thirteen I felt like everyone was watching. In public I would struggle, because I thought either my glasses were falling down, my skirt wasn’t pulled down enough, the color of my shirt was ugly, or my hair was too frizzy. Insecurities are real at thirteen, but it’s in this stage that you learn to overcome them. Side point: you don’t have to be perfect. You’re seeing your other peers with perfection etched all over them. You’re new to all this, so of course you’re developing what your version of a “normal” body, attitude, etc is. It’s simple—you feel intimidated. Don’t feel pressured to do and look like your peers. That’s easier said then done, I know. But, you don’t have to be perfect. No one is perfect (That’s just straight up facts!)Be you.

•you don’t know everything

-believe it or not, I thought I just knew EVERYTHING at thirteen.

“Wow, I’m so grown up.” I’m the oldest, and at this age I used the “I’m a teenager now” card with my siblings. Especially when I bossed them around…that’s just how it was. Girl, you know some things, but you are still growing. You don’t know everything. And that’s okay.

•you’ll find a guy when it’s time 

-I hope I wasn’t the only thirteen year old girl in “love”, haha! We all have that one first “crush” that we take seriously. In my case, a little too seriously, haha…but that guy most likely isn’t the guy you’ll still be interested in at eighteen. 

Obsessing over things such as when he looks in your general direction—what are you to do? Plan the wedding. 

Girl, you will find the guy God has for you, just maybe not right now. One thing I HATED was people telling me, “you’re too young for that”. A crush? No, not at all. Dating? Absolutely too young. Find yourself! God put you on this earth for a sole purpose…and that is to become who He made you to be, friend💙

•you don’t have to have your whole life planned out right now 

-college, marriage, kids—there’s a time for that. Focus on where you at, not where you aren’t. Picking a college and a spouse—cross that bridge when you get to it. Enjoy being thirteen, because you can only do it once🤍

•don’t take as many selfies as you are 

-no one needs that montage of selfies you think are good looking….your phone storage isn’t worth all the photos you aren’t happy with😂 and the lip gloss—no one needs that either, honey…haha

BONUS (but the most important) •God has chosen you, and has a purpose for your existence 

-God created you to be on this earth right NOW. He has a purpose for YOU. You may not feel chosen, called or anything right now, but friend—God. Will. Show. You. He will show you when He knows you can handle it. He’s MOLDING you and making you into who He has created you to be. Yes, this stage may be cringe, awkward and confusing, but God sees you. This is growth. This is change. This is experience. 

Side note: some of the things above may not be what you WANT to hear at thirteen, but maybe might need to. Remember, this is just advice I’d personally give to my younger self, and doesn’t necessarily apply to each and every one of you. 

Well, I hope you can take these small pieces of advice with you. Drop some advice you’d give in the comments! 

Sincerely, Mikayla <3


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