Creating a Quiet Time Rhythm

Do you struggle to set aside time each day to read God’s word? At some point in every Christian's life, a quiet time with the Lord becomes a challenge. I know this is certainly true in my life and so many others. 

If you have never established a daily devotional time, the idea may seem quite overwhelming. Or maybe you have, but recently it’s become more of a chore instead of quality time with the Lord. Over and over again, I have heard phrases such as this:

“I’m too busy.”

“I don’t know where to begin.”

“I don’t see why it’s so important.” 

Between work, family, church functions,  and other responsibilities that we may have, the addition of something else to our plate can seem impossible. Daily devotional time is often put off and always at the bottom of our priority list. However, for anyone who is a Christian, no matter how long, I cannot stress enough the importance of establishing a devotional time. In fact, there is no time like the present to get started. The key is to get started and make it a priority in your life. The things that you do consistently are the things that are important to you. 

So how do you get started? Today I am sharing a few things for y’all to consider as to how to develop a realistic devotional time.

  1. Choose a daily time that fits best in your schedule. 

Whether it's the first thing in the morning, in the middle of the afternoon, or the last thing you do before bed, as long as it works for you. If you need to experiment and find out which time will work best for you, go right ahead. The “when” is not set-in-stone, however it is beneficial to create a routine.

  1. Pick a quiet spot.

No matter how great you are at multitasking, I recommend that you find a spot where you don't have to multitask. Find a place where you can be alone, even if it’s for just a few minutes. Create a space where you feel comfortable and is distraction-free. 

  1. Clear your space from distractions.

The purpose of devotional time is to spend time with God, not your phone. If you can, I would definitely encourage you to use a physical Bible. Use something that you can feel and touch. When you get your senses involved, it becomes a lot more meaningful. Reacquaint yourself with your Bible, it’s so worth it! When we unplug from social media, we are able to recharge when we read God's Word.

  1. Try journaling your daily time. 

Something that I personally like to do is journal while I read. I actually use a journaling Bible which makes this so much easier, but you can use a notebook, or even a piece of scratch paper. When you take the effort to record something on paper, it helps you to remember it. Plus on a discouraging day, you can look back and see how God helped you in previous days! I simply write down things that stick out to me and how I can apply it in my life. This is definitely not something that is required, but it is extremely helpful.

  1. Start reading!

 Get in God’s Word and start reading His truths. There is no right or wrong place to start, however picking one book and working your way through it versus a hodge podge can create a structure that builds upon itself. Some days may look different than others. One day you might get through three chapters, but others it may just be a few verses. Whatever you can fit in is perfectly fine! Just get in the habit of reading. If you read something you don’t understand, don’t be afraid to ask your pastor about or start studying it out for yourself. God’s Word is a book worth understanding. 

  1. Don't forget to pray and reflect!

 Oftentimes we get through our reading and feel pretty good about ourselves. No quiet time is complete without communicating with our Maker. Remember to thank Him for the tremendous tool that He has given to us. If He spoke to you through His Word, talk to Him about that. Draw near to God, and he shall draw near to you! 


In conclusion, the bottom line is that there is no right or wrong way to cultivate a devotional time. The important thing is that you create a quiet time with the Lord and maintain that time. Taking time for the Lord is such a blessing in my life, and I hope that it will become the same for you. I hope that this blog post has helped you and brought some perspective to your own life. Blessings on y’all! 

~Elegantly Erin~

P.S. In a few weeks, I will be sharing a post with some of my favorite devotional resources. Stay tuned for that!


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