Let Freedom Reign


Happy 4th of July! 

In modern America, Independence Day is celebrated in so many different ways. From grilling out, fireworks, patriotic music, friends, and family makes this holiday special for everyone. These traditions provide us with a way to rest, relax, and reconnect with our families. However, let's take a minute to look past the traditions, and recognize the meaning of this day. 

We all know the history - on July 4, 1776, the thirteen colonies claimed their independence from England and this event led to the formation of the United States of America. Independence Day is more than just history, it's our history. How often do we consider how blessed we are to live in a free country such as the United States of America? I personally know that I am guilty of taking my freedoms for-granted. 

As I wrote this, I thought of for reasons for what we should remember today. These reasons give greater meaning and depth to our favorite summer celebration. 

1. Gratitude for Religious Freedom

America was founded on biblical principles and the freedom to worship as we choose. We are free to attend church several times a week without the fear of being killed, arrested, or shut down. There are many countries today that still prohibit or restrict the practice of Christianity, or even religion at all. We are truly blessed to live in the U.S. where we are free to be open about our faith. 

2. Appreciation for Those Who Defend Our Freedom

Many have already gone before us who have sacrificed their time, effort, and even their lives for the sake of fighting for our freedoms. The freedoms that we have today are a result of their dedication to serving in the military and leading our country to victory. God's word tells us, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)  There are still millions who are serving our country and we ought to be thankful for the families who have sacrificed so much. It also reminds us to pray for those who are standing up for what is right, even when they are going against the grain. 

3.Thanksgiving for the Opportunity to Participate in Government

We should be grateful to God and our founding fathers for giving us the opportunity to be politically active. As citizens of the United States, it is a privilege to vote, run for office, and get involved in our communities. God's word teaches us that we are pray for our leaders and to respect them. Our voice matters!

4. Thankfulness for Peace in the U.S.

Overall, our nation is a place of peace and safety. We can also be thankful for the overturning of Roe v. Wade that recently took place. In at least 11 different states, abortion is now banned, which is truly amazing! We should express our gratefulness to God for this end to violence. 

As we put our 4th of July celebration into perspective, and realize what we are truly celebrating, the day becomes a whole new level of meaningful. July 4th is a gift. We received it from the people who lived, led, and died to fight for it. 

Our freedom in America reminds us of the freedom that we have in Christ, because he once laid down his life for us. May we never forget the tremendous love that he poured out on Calvary for the sins of the whole world. My freedom is not only found in my rights as a citizen of the United States, but as the daughter of the King! 

God Bless America!


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