Where, When, and How


Where, When, and How 

Written by Miss Janae Coltura 

Where, when, and how, these are questions I ask myself and God pretty often in prayer or even just subconsciously. When is the biggest of the three for me. Whether I was looking for a job after college or trying to make important decisions for the future, not knowing when was frustrating.

Now I’m only 19, and many people would probably tell me that I need to enjoy this time of my life and not worry about the future, but anyone around that age range will understand the overwhelming pressure that you face right at the end of high school. So many questions and choices seem to be thrown onto you at once, while simultaneously being told that you're young and have so much time to decide. And it’s true, at least Lord willing, but that’s not easy to hear when you feel like you need to know where, when, or how right in that moment. That’s when verses like Proverbs 3:5-6 are an encouragement. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths.” 

Stressing about the important, or even the seemingly not so important questions, has only ever brought me fear, confusion, and anxiety. When I have given it to God and allowed him to direct my paths I have experienced peace despite not knowing what the next steps in the path look like. And if you’ve seen God work out things in your life, you know the feeling when you realize that you should have trusted God more in the first place, because it worked out fine and even better than you could have worked it out yourself. 

Although it’s much easier to worry, we can find great peace by allowing God to have control of the where, when, and how. 


If you need more verses to encourage you while you allow God to direct your steps, look up the following: Romans 8:28, 2 Samuel 22:31, Philippians 4:6, Isaiah 40:31, Psalm 27:14, Psalm 37:7, Jeremiah 29:11, Ecclesiastes 3:11 


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