The Joy of Surrender


Surrender is truly the only way to experience peace and joy.

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30)

Recently, I have been thinking about the importance of surrender. I believe as humans we are often guilty of viewing surrender as missing out on life. Instead, it is the exact opposite. Surrendering to Christ is not about receiving less, it’s being enabled to live a life victorious over sin. This is the life that brings peace and joy. 

When I think of surrender, I am reminded about the story of Abraham. The story of Abraham is a journey of surrender. It begins when he is called to forsake his land and to simply “go.” Abraham had no idea where God was taking him, but he chose to trust.

There’s a quote that says, “I trust the next chapter, because I know the author.” Knowing the author is key to surrender. You can’t commit your life to someone, unless you truly know them. Abraham was willing to leave his homeland, because he knew the one that was guiding him. Spending time with the Maker is vital to living a life surrendered to Christ. Reading God's word is how the Holy Spirit is able to speak to us. If we are intentional about reading

Throughout the rest of Abraham’s life, he proves faithful to his Master. Abraham is promised a son, one that is special. However, it would be 25 years until Isaac would be born. Abraham trusted, because God told him to trust. Abraham waited, because God told him to wait. He lived a life that was in tune with God’s voice and he not only listened, he obeyed. “Obedience is better than sacrifice.” (1 Samuel 15:22)

Obedience is not easy, but it serves an important purpose in our spiritual life. The call of obedience will benefit us by stretching us. This allows us to grow stronger in our faith and deeper in our surrender. The fulfillment that obedience to Christ brings cannot be duplicated.

Abraham’s ultimate test came when God called him to sacrifice Isaac. The son that Abraham had longed and waited for was now being required of him. Can you imagine the struggle? The natural human frustration would be unbearable for most of us. Yet, Abraham had made his decision many years ago. 

He had already made up his mind. He was determined to serve the Lord. Abraham had gone too far to turn back now, and while surrendering Isaac was not easy, he was willing. The greatest sacrifice often brings the greatest joy. 

Laura Story wrote a song called, “I Give Up.” The chorus to the song goes like this:

“So when I give up I gain,

When I let go of having my own way

When I learn to see my surrender as a brand new start

To know the fullness of my father’s heart.”

The words to this chorus are so true. Surrender may require giving up some things, but it is so worth it. If Abraham were to meet with us today, he would tell us that surrendering Isaac to Christ was worth it. Surrender gives us a fresh start which allows us to know God on a deeper level. The more we surrender, the more room there is for the Holy Spirit.

“Transformation happens on the other side of surrender.”  - C.S. Lewis

Joy is a testimony of God's grace in our lives. Joy is a gift that Christians receive from our Savior. As Christians, we have the ability to choose joy, because we have been given hope. The heart transformation that occurs in us brings us the joy of the Lord.

Surrender is the only way to know true joy.  Know Christ, know joy.


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