Expressing Your Walk with Christ

Okay, y’all, this is my first encouragement post since October, so let’s see how this goes! This topic has been heavy on my heart this last week, and honestly it’s taken awhile to wrap up! I hope you can get some encouragement out of it today :))

So, a couple people have asked me how I can express my walk with God so openly. To be honest, the question threw me, being I haven’t really realized how far I had come in that aspect.

Some would know that I used to be an extremely introverted, timid, shy girl. I was always extremely quiet and never wanted to speak up. (Some may wish I was still that way, haha!) This didn’t just apply socially either…

I never liked to talk. Especially about my walk with God. 

For example, testifying. I used to be terrified of it. And I mean TERRIFIED. Even in my small church, when I thought I should testify my heart raced. When I did testify, the words barely came out. I’m sure a lot of you know what I mean. 

It can be scary at first—standing up publicly and expressing what God has been doing in your life—but it’s a fear I’ve overcame and one  you can overcome to! 

My mindset when I testify, is it’s not completely about those watching. It’s just you, taking a stand before God, to praise Him and declare  how He has impacted your life. I do know that God indeed does use us when we testify, to encourage others and to be a bold witness. You see, in my opinion, it’s important to have a balanced mindset in the moment. 

Last summer, I attended six different camps. Each camp I was at, I gained a new confidence in my walk with Christ. Testifying was a huge way God was building that confidence. 

God has taught me to be as open as I can be about my walk with Him, to encourage others and to be a vessel of truth. There is nothing I love more than someone asking me about God, having deep chats about Him and praising His doings in my life. I absolutely love it. 

Let me tell you, it took me a few years to find that voice. It wasn’t until I was sixteen did I really gain any kind of confidence. Socially and spiritually. I was once that timid girl, afraid to speak. God taught me to have confidence in who I am in His eyes. I still have my introverted tendencies, but at the age of seventeen, I am finally grounded in my belief and godly confidence. To tell people of Christ, that is where my heart pours over. Being expressive in my walk with Him has changed my life. Christ has given me that voice. 

It was hard for me at first, but I accepted that it ultimately doesn’t matter what someone else sees or thinks about you. For me, when I open up about my spiritual life (e.g: testifying, asking questions, conversations) It doesn’t scare me. It once did…but you know why it isn’t scary to me anymore? I realized that nothing—NOTHING, separates us from God. Absolutely nothing. Peer pressure tends to get in the way of this. It drives me insane how peer pressure is such a barrier. Show your walk with God! Make it known in your social groups, youth groups, at your schools—everywhere! Don’t shy away from an opportunity to talk about Jesus:))

I’m saying this today, because I want you to never be afraid of being open about your walk with Christ. I may sound repetitious, but really, don’t be afraid to talk about it:)) Because, God wants us to glorify him day and night. 

I know that’s easier said than done. Believe me, I know. I still have tendencies holding me back in certain situations where I want to be more open—but just can’t. It really isn’t easy. 

Friend, do you want to be more open about what God is doing in your life? I know I do…I know I can do better than I am now. I think that’s another strand of God’s grace. He teaches us, little by little, to be more open and desire a deeper intimacy with Him. Baby steps, friend;) He’ll meet you there. 

But Mikayla, how do I start? 

I want to make one thing clear—I don’t have the answers. I never will. But in my experience, here are a few things that have helped me overcome some of those reservations, fears and nerves;

•Ask a friend about it 

-asking a friend about their devotions, what they’ve been reading recently or what God’s been teaching them is a great, great place to start. I genuinely love all my friends, and asking things like this, is in my opinion, an attentive way to care for them:)) 

•Sharing scripture 

-read a passage of scripture that encouraged you? Share it! Send it to a friend, write it down, post it in social media, bring it up in conversation—share what you gained from the passage. 

•Write your thoughts down 

-journaling your thoughts could help you process them! How can you minister to others if you can’t make any sense out of your own thoughts? Of course, writing things down isn’t for everyone, but it really could help you gain more from what you’ve been thinking;))

•Asking questions

-asking questions even in Sunday school, is a huge part of how I gained the confidence I have. Ask your Sunday school teacher about the lesson, a part of scripture you are having a difficult time deciphering, or anything! Your class mates will be watching you as well, and that may give them some motivation to open up, as well as ask about the lesson, too! And in the meanwhile, you get some insight from your teacher!

•Testifying in church 

-as I’ve said before, I used to struggle with this very badly. (See the top of the article for more on this topic) But testifying in your local church is a fantastic way to not only connect, but encourage others who are watching you. It is a strong obstacle to gain a new level of godly confidence. Say what the Lord’s been showing you! 

•Raising a hand during a song service

-this, like testifying, usually takes place in a service. Is the congregation singing a song you connect with? Raising your hand is another way to open yourself to the lyrics God has laid on your heart. Similar to testifying, it shows people you mean those words. 


-being open about your walk with God should be anointed in prayer. Especially, if it’s hard for you! Give your fears and reservations to God. Pour out your heart to Him. Having a desire to open up your light to others is something that needs to come from God. Pray for strength, as well as courage to open up about your spiritual life, one step at a time!

It’s important to know that everyone is different. Some may be rather reserved, or some may be super outgoing when it comes to their spiritual life. Whoever you are, I can tell you that no matter how you express what’s in your heart…God sees and values you all the same. Yes, our goal should be to show Christ’s love to others, but ultimately it won’t matter what people have thought or said. Stay true to Christ, no matter what anyone tells you. 

That’s it for today :)) thank you for reading, and if you have any following thoughts, comment below! (And by the way, happy 2/22/22!)


Mikayla Poff <3


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