New Year, New Me

New Year, New Me

By: Cheyanne Wolf 

New Years Day has been one of the days I looked forward to the most other than Christmas! Its a day where I could get my life back in order, reorganizing my room, filling out a new planner, and just getting a fresh start! As I do all these things, I look back and see how God has changed me throughout the year. I see all the challenges, hills, mountains that looked impossible to get through! But once I gave them to God, he was quick to calm all the fear I had and assured me that He had me right where He wanted me and that I can trust Him through it all! 

We all most likely heard the saying, “New year, new me!” As I was gathering my thoughts to write this, I questioned what does that saying really imply or mean? Is it implying that we should totally change who we are and what we do? Well, I found a few verses in Ephesians 4 that reference Christian Living.

That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:22-24‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

These verses talk about being renewed through Christ. He can create something amazing through our lives, if we put off our old selves and be transformed into a new self after the likeness of God. As this new year is approaching, I encourage you to seek God in all you do and give him your heart, mind, and soul so he can transform you!!! 

Some other things I like to do for the new year is to pick a verse to pray and meditate on to keep my mind focused throughout the year. I have found that those specific verses turn out to be the most impactful ones, that really teach and speak to me! Another thing I find helpful is setting resolutions for the year. (Daily, short term, and long term) this method helps me organize all my goals! And then I pray over all of them asking God to tweak any of my goals for his will for my life! 

I hope you all have a great New Year and that it will be a year of change. As it may be breaking habits, starting a new job, or reading through the Bible. But most importantly, growing closer to God! He makes the biggest change in each of our lives, if we let Him! My hearts biggest desire is to be more like Him, each day that passes by!!! 

Thank you for reading this little note!!!Praying for each one that might read this! 


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