A Blooming Power

Hi, there! It’s Mikayla and I’m BACK!

Lately, I’ve been thinking about a gardening analogy. When a flower is planted, what do you do? You water it and give it sunshine so it will grow, right? As time passes by, with consistent care, you slowly watch the flower bloom. 

Like a flower, God plants us. He is consistent in giving us what we need. He waters us, gives us sunlight—and watches us bloom. 

Spiritually, God plants you in ministry. In life, God has planted you in a certain place. A specific situation, social circle—anywhere. 

I mess up. You mess up. We all just mess up. But, I’m thankful for the grace God gives us. The blooming grace He extends to help us grow. 

I don’t know what your situation is. I have absolutely no clue what you are facing. It could be big, it could be small—whatever it may be, I know one thing; God’s grace has covered it. 

Grace is a funny thing, you know. Grace can be a pretty name, a lovely symbol, an aesthetic to put on a notebook or sign—I love all these things! In fact, I have a sign on my wall that simply just reads, “Grace”! 

But, you know what else grace is? 

Grace is brokenness. Grace is mistakes. Grace is ugly sometimes. However, grace always ends up being this utterly beautiful thing. 

I want you to think back to when you were at your absolute worst. The version of yourself you cringe at. 

Now, look at you right now. You’re relieved that you aren’t like the other you, right? It could be the way you dressed, your choice of friends, or simply what you did. The way you thought—all this. You aren’t like “that” anymore, are you?

That’s called grace. 

I can think back to a time I was so broken I was indeed blinded to that exact brokenness. I regret my decisions I made back then so very badly. I thought I was on top of it, when in reality, I was crumbling to the very bottom moment by moment. 

I, too, look back at that particular version of myself and cringe. But, as cringeworthy as it is, it made me into the person I am today.

That too, was grace, my friend. 

You see, grace picks up the broken pieces and softly shapes them into something you never thought could be beauty. 


When God plants us, He plants us with grace. Grace to carry on in our ministry, lives and so forth. God will give you the mercy you need to simply go on. 

I love love love counseling. Listening, encouraging—but sometimes the devil can whisper, “wow, you’re really all that”. It could be easy to think you’re oh so wise when people come to you. 

In ministry, you will have that. You’ll have important conversations. You will have challenging questions. You’ll have people look to you for advice. 

Have you felt pressured, when someone comes you to for advice, to say the perfect thing? I undoubtedly have. But you know what? You’re not perfect. Where we mess up our words—that’s where God meets us. God will use every word, if only we are willing to be used for Him. Think you didn’t come across the best way? Maybe, what you wanted t say just didn’t come out right? Perhaps, you don’t think you made a real difference?

That’s also called grace. 

God knows we mess up. We aren’t all knowing like He is. He created us to make mistakes. That’s how we learn and grow. 

God has planted you here and now. I’m sure there is someone in your circle right now who needs your influence. Someone needs to hear your broken story.

So, share. Go to the “mountain tops” and tell of God’s grace and mercy throughout your life. 

Your “mountain top” could be in a classroom, at a work place or even at home. Wherever you’re at, make it known that God has made a huge impact in your life. 

That is the blooming power, friend. God plants us perhaps in the harshest conditions, to make us stronger. He always redeems the pain into a blooming beauty. 

Stay encouraged! 


  1. You are truly a very talented young lady !God has blessed you with these amazing talents ,thank you for using them for Gods Glory ,and for sharing them with us ,I so enjoy following the Simply blessed blog ,You young ladies are such an encouragement to all of us ❤️


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