The Rear View Mirror

Hey, everyone:) it’s Mikayla! Please take the time to read this post God has laid on my heart:)) 

I heard a song this week that made me think. Though the title and purpose of this song has little to do with what I’m discussing today, this one line lyric got me.

‘When what’s in the rear view mirror is closer than it appears’

Just like the rear view mirror, we reflect on what’s behind us a lot. We’re human, it’s our natural instinct to worry. 

Sometimes, while driving, looking in the rear view mirror for too long can effect our driving. But we need the rear view mirror to drive safely and cautiously. 

Like that, we need to glance at our past to improve our performance and how we can help others.

But looking in the rear view mirror for too long, like our past, will effect how we drive on. 

Make sense? 

Looking at our past may effect how we get to the bright destinations God has laid out for us. 

Focus. On. The. Road. Ahead. 

The devil will try to use your past, regrets and shames by bringing them up through your rear view mirror. Don’t let him effect your driving, friend! 

Yes, the past may be scary and you may have deep regrets or pain. But do not let that effect how you live your life for Jesus. 

Jesus has BIG plans for you. It’s about time you accept that. God is going to do amazing things in your life. You will see beauty in the eyes of a stranger, know the feeling of being a true vessel for God, witness miracles in your own life—and most importantly you will be a version of yourself that you didn’t think you could be. A version that is molded by God’s grace. 

I have great hope for what God is doing in my life and what He will do. I’m excited to see what comes next! But, the devil, especially lately, has been bringing up my past. My regrets. My pain. Why? Because the devil doesn’t want me to be the person God is creating me to be. Like me, he doesn’t want you to drive for God, so to speak. He brings up your past as a way to effect your future. 

The devil is scared of your potential. You are THAT valuable. You do, indeed have HUGE potential to be the person God is molding you to be! So, why let the devil take that away? 

Our past is a big part of us. Who we are, who we will be. God will use your past and testimony to reach people. A person who NEEDS to hear your story. That is something amazing! God uses the broken parts of our lives to help others who need to hear how you got through it. Your past is valuable, but don’t be defined by it. 
Sometimes the past, of which you thought was buried, comes back out. You may have a moment when you’re thinking, “Woah, where did that come from? I thought I was done with that!”

It’s like what you thought was way behind you just appears and disrupts your life. You’ve moved on from that, right? 

Then why is it back? 

That is simply the devil using your triggers. He’s desperate to off road you on your path to who God’s made you to be. He is trying so hard to destroy God’s plan for your life by bringing up your painful past. 

Friend, I hope you can recognize the devil and his tricks. I hope you can choose not to dwell on what has gone wrong and somehow dwell on how God worked it out for your good. 

Maybe this past of yours is messy. Perhaps it’s too shameful to say out load. It could be anything. I don’t know your situation today, or what the devil uses to derail you. But I want you to know you are SEEN. You don’t have to rehash it. You don’t need to stay in this prison of regret. 

God has plans for you that you couldn’t even imagine. It’s that good. 
So, when your painful past in the rear view mirror is closer than it appears, focus on the road ahead. Focus on your godly potential. Because, friend, when you do that, you will go to BEAUTIFUL destinations. 
~Mikayla Poff


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