Strength in the Storm

Life is unpredictable. Right now there is a lot of uncertainty. From politics to our daily lives, stress is apparently the “new norm.” What is normal? The only thing normal is the fact that everything is always changing.

Life is constantly changing. Aren't you thankful that Christ never changes? Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." He always is, and he always will be.

Death, sorrow, pain, and sleepless nights come to all humans. Matthew 5:25b says "for He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." 

Sometimes we get this idea that if we just stay in the center of God's will, we will never suffer. My friend, if you were in the center of God's will, and you didn't suffer, that would be a little concerning. The devil fights us harder when we are closer to God.

However, the storms that come our way are not our biggest problem. It's our reactions to them. Weathering the storms of life is extremely difficult. We feel as though we are "sinking" down. In all reality, we truly are sinking. Without Christ as our Pilot, we cannot sail the ups and downs of life.

Remember Peter only sank in the water,  because he took his eyes off the Master. Be aware of God's overwhelming presence even in the midst of the storm. Christ will draw nearest to you in the middle of the storm. When the pain is unbearable, when the tears won't stop, and you can't see a way out. He will meet you right where you are. He may not take the pain away, but he will be an unfailing friend who loves you unconditionally.

Someone wise once said, "We want Christ to hurry and calm the storm. He wants us to find him in the midst of it first."

I don’t know much about life, but I do know that our God still reigns. People may walk out, but God will always  be by your side. Accidents may happen, but God has a plan. He has a purpose for the pain.

God is bigger than the mountain. He is stronger than the storms we go through. In the lowest of times, God will come through.   

Psalm 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Let's remember the story of Joseph. 

He was disowned by his brothers, sold to strangers, and spent time in prison for doing the right thing. Joseph could have allowed bitterness into his life, yet he chose to trust God. You know why? Because his life was about more than family, and being accepted. His life was totally, 100% about God.


God was his refuge, even in the midst of  persecution. He will be faithful to you, he only asks that you trust Him. Let Him be the Pilot of your life, and He will guide you through the storms of life.


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