Candid Contentment

Hey everyone! Th
is post is about something that our world lacks greatly! We as Christians are called to be examples! Enjoy this post!

I know both how to be abasedand I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungryboth to abound and to suffer need
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” - 
Philippians 4:12-13

True Contentment is built on knowing God personally and being willing to follow His plan. 

Contentment isn’t something you can achieve or a a goal you get to it is something that you can get only through Jesus Christ Himself. 

“The Bible says that Jesus is the way the truth and the life.” This can be true with salvation but with contentment to. 

The view on contentment from the world could mean, more Money, fame, or a perfect career. These things are nice but they can’t give you true lasting contentment. Money will run out, fame will fizzle away, and someday you will end up retiring from your so called perfect job. 

Worldly things can end up leaving us more empty and lonely than we were before we had them. 

All worldly things will fade away but the world of God will stand FOREVER! 

We can trust Jesus to take away the fake feeling of peace and give us a peace from God. A peace that passeth all understanding. 

We are called to be content in an circumstance. Even when it is hard, even when we don’t feel like it. 

I recently saw a quote that said “Contentment doesn’t mean that I desire nothing but rather, it’s the simple decision to be happy with what I have.“ This can be true with so many things. If we can remember where our peace and contentment comes from that is when we find it. 

God will give us the strength we need. 

Hope you enjoyed this post! Have a beautiful day!


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