{Daughter of the King}

 " A dress doesn't make a princess and Jewels don't make a Queen. "

In this day the world strives to show their best. Whether it be for social media, your friends, or anything else. Yeah, I love fashion and looking cute, but that stuff isn't going to last in this world. Submitting to God and becoming a "Daughter of the most high King" is what will last! The only king that matters.

God made you just the way you are for a special reason. Why would you want to try to dis-rail God's plans for you just to be accepted by the people of this world. You and I are fearfully and wonderfully made by a powerful God. 

When everything else crashes your faith is what can stand... even in the uncertain times. 

You are perfect in the Makers eyes even when you don't believe it. You are worth more than what you and others can see. He loves the way you are not what you want to be. You are you and Jesus loves you that way!

I know this post is short but I hope you can find something meaningful in it!

Have a Fabulous Day!  😃


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