Finding Jesus

Hey, everyone! I, Mikayla, am going to get real with ya today;) I hope and trust you are enjoying Simply Blessed Blog! If so, let us know! 

We all know struggle. I struggle, you struggle, our neighbors, the cashier at Walmart, your pastor, Sunday school teacher, professor, our best friends, my boss, your boss, our parents—you get the idea. We all struggle. No one is without struggle. 

However, how do we deal with the struggle? How do we react to it? 

God’s shown me struggle...which I have posted about before. Go back and read ‘Defeating the Darkness’ for more content on the topic of trials in the darkness. 

Anyway...struggle. I think we’ve established that we all experience it in one way or another. That’s just how God made us. 

The way I tend to react to struggle is to just dive into an emotional state of mind. That’s just my personality type, which means I can be emotional...which can be a good thing and a bad thing:) 

But as human beings, we tend to get frustrated at struggle. Our first thought to a trial often could be confusion towards God...”why?” We may point the finger at God or another. 

Or perhaps we tend to try to solve the problem on our own. What may be creating the struggle? 

Let me tell you this...

I’m human and I struggle. I’ve ran in circles reacting to life’s problems and struggles with no end. I’ve tried to stop my trials by questioning God as of He were on trial. I have drowned myself in self pity. 

Let me tell you a secret...

*whispers* it didn’t work. 

Nothing would work. I would get so clouded by my naive judgement that I would forget Who had the answers and the comfort I desired all along. 

That’s when I found Jesus. 

Jesus is our only option, y’all. I’m here writing this article fighting tears as I tell you Who has been my only anchor. Jesus is here watching us trying to solve the struggle while He has all the solutions. Run to Jesus, not self pity. Don’t boggle yourself down in questioning God’s plan, find Jesus.

Perhaps you have heard the song, ‘Gotta Get to Jesus’ by the Collingsworth Family? It has been a song that has practically summed up my walk with Jesus.

“My physicians tried in vain,

but twelve long years in pain, 

proves there is nothing they can do.

But I just heard somebody say, 

‘There is a Healer on the way!’

somehow I need to press my way through”

Read these lyrics carefully. That broken heart you’ve been carrying, drop it at the feet of Jesus. He is a healer. 

“When my world is torn apart,

 I need healing for my heart,

I really don’t know how much more I can take.

Trapped inside a cloud full of disbelief and doubt,

I only know one way of escape”

Find Jesus. That struggle? He will take it and shelter you under His Wing! Jesus understands the struggle...He went through a lot of it on earth. The devil fought Jesus hard! He gets it. He really does. 

I can tell you from personal experience that the struggle may be hard, but giving it to Jesus is the only way to be free from the chains those burdens weigh on you. 

 “Gotta get to Jesus,

if the hem of His garment is all I can reach,

I know if I touch Him I will be free, 

I will be free,

I’ve gotta get to Jesus” 

Each and every person who is reading this post is struggling. I encourage you to give it to Jesus...find Jesus today. 

~Kayla’s Korner ~


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