Conquerors ❤


“in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” - Romans 8:37

What is a conqueror? The phrase “more than conquerors” is defined as “to gain an outstanding victory.” We are to be victors, because we believe in the one who conquered all things, including death itself.

Throughout the entire Bible, we find passages that call us to be overcomers through Christ. We all know that life isn’t easy. There are times when everything seems to be falling apart, and there are more disappointments than you can count.  However, we must remember that the apostle Paul did not have an easy life either. He faced difficult challenges, but was still able to write “If God is for us, who can be against us?”  

It seems to me that we usually tend to focus on the sacrifices of life rather than the honor of serving Christ. We allow the business of life to sweep us away into thoughts of discontentment and oftentimes bitterness even creeps in. When we settle for our own self-pity, we ignore the Almighty God who is just waiting to give you victory. 

As a young teenager, I’ll be the first to admit that I rarely feel anything like an overcomer, however the feelings don’t have to be there in order for you to live like one. I am certain that Abraham did not feel like sacrificing Isaac, but he did. He decided that his relationship with God was more important than his own son. Why? Abraham had his priorities straight from the get-go. When God called him to leave his homeland, he did not hesitate. If we want to grow spiritually, we must obey whenever God speaks to us. Abraham obeyed God, and in result, God gave him Isaac back.

You may have to sacrifice something, and that thing will be different for everyone. For Moses it was his inabilities, for he was insecure about his speaking voice. For Jacob it was his pride, he was ashamed of himself. Joseph even had to sacrifice his family for many years.  Samson had to sacrifice almost everything, until he finally humbled himself as he was tied to the two pillars. Jael risked her relationship with her husband in order to destroy Israel's enemy. Job suffered the loss of his animals, his children, and was given a horrid disease.

For Esther, she had to sacrifice her heritage, and even her own life when she faced the king. Ruth lost her husband and willingly went with her mother-in-law, when she could have gone about her own way. Daniel went through the lion's den to prove his faithfulness to God. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego risked their lives in the fiery furnace, because they would not worship any other thing except God. Jonah had to give up his own opinions of Nineveh, and even went to a fish's belly due to his stubbornness. Mary and Joseph put their marriage on the line in order to welcome baby Jesus into their lives. The list could go on for paragraphs, but I think you get the point.

All throughout Scripture we see that everyone of these men and women of God had to give something up. However, if we could interview them right now, I am certain they would say “It was worth it.” No insecurity or burden is greater than the reward of serving God. He wants every part of you, and until you surrender yourself entirely to God, you will not be satisfied. If you want to be a conqueror, you will have to obey Him. 

If you choose to trust God with your insecurities, he will crown you a conqueror. What is holding you back? Don't be afraid to live a victorious life.


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