Overcoming Fears

Overcoming Fears

Everyone has their own fears and struggles, it's apart of our DNA as humans to be fearful. People are scared of anything, from spiders to clowns, and everything else in between. Scientists have even created a fancy word for fear, "phobia." Fear is one of the devil's favorite tools to draw people away from God, and COVID-19 pandemic has been no exception. 

Billy Graham once said "Anxiety is the natural result when our hopes are centered in anything short of God and his will for us." 

Fear is not sin, in fact there are some things that we should be afraid of, but when we allow our fears to limit how much we will let God use us, than that is when it is wrong. God is only limited by our fears. Jesus came to free us from fears and give us hope instead.  Jesus came so that we don't have to be afraid of anything or anyone. 

God's word has given us an outline on how to escape our fears. James 4:7-8 instructs us to, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you." As we simply submit our will to God's plans, the devil is forced to flee. While the devil flees, God only draws closer to you, if you will allow Him to.

John 16:33 says, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

We are blessed to have Jesus leave us these words, for he promises that we will indeed have tribulation. Just because we are Christians doesn't mean that we are exempted from any pain, trial, or difficulty. However, as Christians, we have someone who will go with us : Jesus has already overcome the world, and because he has overcome the world, he can help us with our problems. He lived here, he faced lies, persecution, and even abandonment. 

There is nothing that we will face that will ever be worse than what He faced on Calvary, therefore we can have peace that His presence will go with us.

He promises "I will never leave thee, nor forsake you."

You can be an overcomer, but you must believe.


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