{Women of Faith : 10 Inspiring Women From The Bible}

  10 Inspiring Women From Bible Times


Miriam was Moses and Aaron's older sister. God used her to rescue Moses when he was a baby, and she witnessed the parting of the waters and many other miracles that God performed in the wilderness. She is known as the "First Prophetess."


Ruth was a stranger in a foreign land, but she chose God's ways instead of her own. She was rewarded for her faithfulness to God, and ended up being Jesus's ancestor. Ruth sacrificed her own wants, in order to follow God's ways.


Hannah was a patient woman, who longed for a child. She faced adversity from her relatives, but instead of complaining, she went straight to God. Hannah was a diligent seeker and was rewarded with not only a son, but also 5 more children. By simply opening her heart to God, she was granted the desires of her heart.

-Mary Magdalene-

Mary was loyal to Jesus no matter what. Jesus cast the demons out of her, and saved her from a life of misery. She was the first person to see Jesus, when He rose from the dead. Jesus said her name and she immediately knew it was Him. Mary gave her all to Jesus.

-Deborah & Jael-

Deborah was a prophetess and judge of Israel. She was specifically chosen by God to use her integrity and discernment to bring righteousness to Israel, during a time of uncertainty. Jael was an ordinary woman who was used by God to destroy the Israelites' enemies.


Sarah was a woman of integrity and sacrifice. She laid aside her own plans and ambitions in order to follow God's calling on her family's lives. In the end, God rewarded her with what she had so longed for: a son, Isaac.


Esther was chosen by God, "for such a time as this." She was a woman of integrity, dignity, and honor. Esther was not afraid to stand up against her enemies, even when she couldn't see the end result. She was willing to be used by God, and gave Him her all. 


Rahab helped the Israelite spies, in a time when serving God wasn't popular. She chose to be different than her neighbors, and trusted God even when she didn't have everything figured out.

-Mary the Mother of Jesus-

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is one of the most admired biblical characters. God used her for one of the most challenging and rewarding tasks. She brought the Messiah into this world, and was the first to love Him.


Remember, you may not feel significant, but you can be used of God, no matter what. How do I know this? I know, because God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called. 

Thank you all for being so supportive of these "Women of Faith" posts! 

Love always, 

The Simply Blessed Bloggers ;)


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