{Preparing for Battle}


Preparing for Battle – How to Become Victorious 
Over Any Challenge

By: Tressa Jones

Hello friends! My name is Tressa. I am a junior studying to be a high school history teacher at the University of Illinois. I have always wanted to be a teacher, but it wasn’t until I was in high school that I realized I could combine my love for history with my passion for being a teacher. Attending a public University has had its ups and downs but overall, I am very thankful for the experiences my school has provided me (both academically, and spiritually). Thanks to God’s grace, which has kept me and strengthened me along the way I have been able to grow in many ways in my walk with the Lord, as well as in my knowledge of the world. 

When Erin asked me to write a post for her blog I was surprised, but also excited to try something new. I love to research and write papers on historical topics. I am particularly interested in the era of World War II and wrote a semester long research paper on the role of University of Illinois women in the war effort. It was an engaging and rewarding experience. I enjoyed it so much that I have decided to pursue another research project that will take me a year and a half to complete. I am looking forward to this academic challenge! But I have not always been so excited about every challenge that has come my way. 

Challenges are an interesting part of the human experience. Some we choose to pursue for our own betterment, like extensive research projects, while others are given to us regardless of our desire for them. It is never a question of whether or not we will have challenges, but rather how we handle the challenges that come our way. Whether it is a physical, emotional, or spiritual challenge, how we choose to tackle it changes how we come out on the other side of it. 

One morning in my devotions I was reading about how the Devil likes to challenge us, and I had an eye-opening experience. Think about the most difficult person, pressing problems, or most overwhelming situation you’re facing in your life right now. Jot them down in a quick list if you have some paper handy, we will return to them later on. These are your current set of challenges. All good things come from the Lord (James 1:17), whereas the devil works double time to ruin and wreck anything good in our lives. As Christians, we know the enemy has a few overarching tactics for tempting or discouraging us, but did you know he considers your current situations and tries to manipulate them to his advantage? Realizing this is essential in understanding how to defeat him, and coming out victorious.

When you look back at the most challenging spiritual situations you have been through, you will notice that the enemy used very personalized weapons against you. He knows how to best exploit your vulnerability. Look back at the list of challenges you wrote down earlier. My devotional book had me do the following exercise and it was very eye opening. Write down how these issues reveal how the devil has personalized his tactics to break you or hurt you. How do one or more of the situations or people press a “hot button” for you? 

When you begin to understand that these areas are what the enemy will focus on and try to manipulate to destroy God’s plan for your life, you will be much more equipped to battle him. Not only can you start foreseeing his intention to attack, you can now prepare for battle! 

So, how do you prepare for battle? How do you make it through the challenge? Go to Ephesians Chapter 6:10-20 and read these verses. We can prepare by putting on the Armor of God (v. 10-17), and PRAYING ALWAYS (v. 20). Practicing of the habit of daily investing time in God’s word and spending time in prayer and worship to our heavenly Father can and will give us the strength and the weapons to face any challenge. 

Prayer life and girding yourself with the Armor of God will strengthen you. God will meet you, and help you face any challenge you might face. While at University, sometimes things can get a bit overwhelming. It is an uphill battle most days. I am in a place where people hate what I stand for, at times refuse to discuss differences, and manipulate the reports of events in order to fit their narratives. But yet, I’ve made it this far and plan on going on to get my Masters degree here. How have I been able to do that? Only through God’s strength and encouragement, only through seeking him daily, wearing the Armor of God, and praying always. In other words, being prepared for battle. I have come through my most difficult days with a better understanding of how to face the political, intellectual, and most importantly spiritual differences between myself and my peers or professors. These experiences have been essential in preparing me for my future as a teacher, as a worker in ministry, and more generally as a Christian in a broken world. 

I encourage you to reflect on the challenges you wrote down. How might the enemy interpret that area of your life being a benefit to the Kingdom of God, and therefore make it a target for him to destroy? This is where I had my “Ah ha” moment. Of course, the enemy would target me in my journey to becoming a teacher, because it could result in a big win for God’s kingdom. Lord willing, my life will be a witness and an example of Christ to my future students who might not have ever seen the love of Jesus, or experience what a difference He can make in our lives. Is the same true of your challenges? 

Now that you can see how the enemy works and where he will attack you, what can you do to safeguard yourself from him? Return to Ephesians Ch. 6:10-20, and underline, highlight, circle (whatever you need to do) to emphasize the answer to this question. You can be prepared to face the challenges the enemy is sure to throw your way. And with the God of the Universe on your side, the enemy does not stand a chance! 1 Corinthians 15:57 “Thanks be to God, which giveth us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Keep Pressing On! Keep Seeking! Keep Serving! Onward! 

- Tressa

The devotional referenced in this post is called “The Armor of God” written by Priscilla Shirer.

Photo Creds: Pinterest/Etsy


  1. Excellent! This sounds like a Great devotional for our next GMYC devotional book!!!!


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