All Planned Out ♥

"So teach us to number our days, that we might apply our hearts unto wisdom"
~ Psalms 90:12 ~

What does it mean to "number our days?" If you have been following this blog, you may remember the blog post "Time What?" that I wrote, and it is about being good stewards of time management. This verse in Psalms was directed to those that think they know how to be good stewards on their own time, however without God's guidance in our lives, we truly know nothing. Sometimes we can so often get caught up in planning everything out to the "T," that we don't even consider what God may have in mind. God wants to be apart of our daily activities, but He is limited by how much we truly want Him there.  Before, I get into my planning tips, I want to leave you with three things:

God's Plans Are...

1) Greater Than Our Fears
2) Better Than Our Ambitions 
3) Good - Even When We Don't Feel Good

Remember, without God you can do nothing. While it is important to be organized, some things are only God-planned, and we should always make exceptions for Him. Let Him teach you to number your days, and you will be the wiser for it.

Let's Get Organized 

How can you get organized?
Here are some tips for you:

1# Get a Planner 
Make sure you find something that is affordable, cute, and worth your time. I found some great deals on planners at Dollar General, Walmart, and TjMaxx. It doesn't matter what or where you get it, but having a planner is essential to getting organized.

Note: My personal preference is the "Do-It-Yourself" ones, it makes them more personalized and fun to use!

2# Use It
Everyone is different, therefore everyone's planner is going to look different. Make it something you are going to want to use. I recommend using stickers, washi tape, and cute pens. However, there are some helpful tips and tutorials that you can find on Pinterest.  You can plan whatever you want: appointments, school assignments, shopping trips, and other errands. Most planners have a calendar inside them, and then a daily planner as well.

3# Stay Committed
It is easy to get bogged down by the busyness of life, however if we focus on one task at a time, and to the best of our ability, we can accomplish more. As humans, it is impossible to please everyone, but if God is for us, who can be against us? Stay committed to your word and God will reward you. 


Thank you all for reading this article, and if you have any questions please feel to reach out to me on Instagram @_bunnyalert_ or leave a comment below ⬇️


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