Let Go!

“Be still and know that I am God.” ~Psalm 46:10

Be still… not quite the words we often hear in our busy world, is it? In this fast-paced life, we are always ready for the next thing. We always seem to be looking forward to something down the line. For me, it was always my birthdays: first my 13th, then my 16th, then my 18th, then my 21st. 

Now that those have come and gone, I look back and wonder how I could possibly already be coming upon my 22nd birthday so soon! Wasn’t it just yesterday I was having my birthday parties at the skating rink and inviting all my friends over for cake and ice cream?! 

That being said, never overlook those still, quiet moments. Rather, live those to the fullest as well! Take that extra moment to breathe, to recollect, and to refocus on the One who you are living for. It’s okay to take a step back. If even the God of this world took a day of rest after 6 days of creation… surely He won’t mind you doing the same!

And while you’re at it, take those still moments to know Him. In the Spanish language, there are two words that mean “to know”: saber and conocer. Saber means “to know of” or “to know about”. It would be like me saying, “Oh yeah, I know who the Collingsworth's are.” Now, do I know them personally? No, I just know that they are a Christian family who travels and sings Christian songs. Now, the Spanish word conocer means to know at a personal level. This would be liking you asking me if I knew my sister. I not only know who she is, but I know what she is like. I know her likes and her dislikes. I know her handwriting and the sound of her voice. In the same way, we should spend so much time with God that we not only know who He is (Creator, Savior, Redeemer, King), but we also know what He is like (loving, forgiving, merciful, faithful). 

Now, let’s take a second glance at those words, “Be still”. There is a very important message that can be so easily overlooked if we’re not careful. Here, “be still” doesn’t simply mean to “cease in movement”. Rather, it means to stop and let go!

When I was little, my family had a dog named none other than… Nemo. That’s right! We named our dog after a clownfish. And when we got him, he was just a small little puppy. But… as puppies do, Nemo grew. Pretty soon, Nemo had grown to be about as tall as my little 6-year-old self. I can remember countless times of Nemo jumping up and accidentally knocking me down, but nevertheless, Nemo was my best friend.

One day, I was sitting on the porch with my family, holding onto Nemo’s leash. We were enjoying the warm day when all of a sudden, Nemo takes off down the concrete stairs… and being the small 1st grader I was, I drag down the stairs behind him. Holding on for dear life, I hear my mom call out, “Kaitlyn, just let go!” to which I reply, “But I don’t want to lose him!”

Needless to say, I ended the day with many scrapes and burns down my side. But if I were to ask you what caused all that, what would you say? The rabbit Nemo was chasing after? The fact that he dragged me down concrete rather than the grass? Or perhaps because Nemo was so strong and I was so small? Yes, all of these things attributed. But that wasn’t the real problem. The problem was, I wouldn’t let go… You see, all those other factors could have stayed the same: the rabbit, the concrete, Nemo. But had I let go, it would have made all the difference. Had I let go, I wouldn’t have been hurt the way I was.

You know, it’s that way in life a lot of times. We blame our circumstances when the real problem is, we just need to let go, but we refuse. What do you need to let go of today? It could be anything really. Your future plans? A friend? A job opportunity? A certain special someone in your life? Sweet friend, the devil would love for you to hold on as he drags you down the concrete of life. But God sees from above and is calling you by name pleading, “Child, please just let go!” 

Won’t you listen to Him today? Won’t you let go of what drags you behind? You’d be amazed at what awaits when you finally do ❤
~Kaitlyn Fox~


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