~Faith Over Fear~

Hey, there:) I’m Mikayla and this topic you’re going to read about today has played a big part in my life even within the last week or so! I hope you enjoy it:)

First off, let’s give Pens & Paths a shout out! This top I am wearing in the photo above is amazing! No kidding, it may be the comfiest shirt I’ve ever owned:) Pens & Paths is a small business ran by the sweetest God-loving couple. This top is one of three designs Kate and  Jordan Frye have out for sale on their website! They sell wooden signs, as well. I’ll link their website below;) go check them out! 

Today I want to talk about the well known phrase, ‘Faith Over Fear’. What does it mean to have faith over fear? It’s easier said than done, that is for sure. 

Firstly, I am going to talk about fear. We all know fear. Fear of change, the unknown, mistakes, rejection and much more. We tend to give way to fear sometimes, don’t we? 

Giving in to fear naturally invites in panic, chaos, stress and ultimately more fear. Trusting our lives in Gods capable hands, we lose all chains that fear wraps around us. Having peace that God can and will do the impossible gives us a clear mind set.  Let’s find that peace and comfort in knowing our God will never forsake us.

Secondly, let’s talk about Job... 

The story of Job such an amazing act of faith. We sometimes forget that Job wasn’t present in the conversations between God and Satan. He had no earthly idea why all these awful things were happening. Job lost everything, yet he had faith over fear.

 “And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.” - Deuteronomy 31:8 

So in this verse above, what does God say about fear? He says there is no need to fear because our God will be with us, He will go before us, He will never fail us and He will NEVER forsake us. Isn’t that just amazing? 

Will we still be fearful in life? Yes, but you know what? You don’t have to be! Choose to trust God will bring you through the fire. Trust that God will never leave you. Trust that whatever God is doing is for your good and His glory! 

Thirdly, let’s discuss faith... 

Having faith can be hard to do...believe me I know. You may be thinking, “Why should I have faith if I have no idea what comes next? Why would I have faith if my circumstances are this hard? Why should I have faith that everything will workout if my situation hasn’t changed?”

The simple truth is this...

Putting our faith in God is the real gain. This verse below is further proof of what having faith in God can do. If we have even the smallest but of faith, God will do so much.

“If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Matthew 17:20 

Recently something has happened in my life that could lead me to give way to fear. 

Although I may still have fear, I have chosen to have faith that God has everything under control. 

Take this leap of faith. I promise you won’t regret doing so. Living in fear will just lead to further destruction. If we rest our faith in Jesus, fear will be outweighed;)) 

Pens & Paths Link 

https://pens + paths www.pensandpaths.com


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