The Broken Ladder

 Hey, everyone! It’s Mikayla and I’m back after a short break:-) 

I’m going to tell you a story today...

The summer of 2020 I was at a youth camp in the middle of Indiana, where God’s spirit was so real. I was so thankful He had provided a way for me to go to youth camp, even amidst Covid 19. This youth camp was filled with what youth camps should be filled with...sports, activities, assigned teams and some services filled with the Holy Spirit. 

It was at this youth camp I felt unsettled. I felt a void in my life, even though I was saved and sanctified. I couldn’t put my finger on it. “What could this mean?” I asked myself. It was unclear to me what I was feeling, but I went on with the busy schedules of youth camp. 

One night at International Holiness Youth Camp, the song “Broken Ladders” by Selah was sang at the altar service. It was in that moment when I realized I was striving to be something in this world, and it wasn’t to glorify God. It was to glorify Mikayla. I lost sight of what God wanted me to be. I was more worried about what Mikayla wanted, rather than what God wanted. I wanted to be recognized, loved and accepted by everyone. I was climbing these broken ladders to satisfaction. 

I left that tear stained altar with a satisfaction like no other. This is a satisfaction you cannot find by being accepted by friends, having all the fame in the world, or being the most successful business owner in America. This will never ultimately satisfy. 

You know what does satisfy though? Jesus Christ. He has already accepted you as you are. He loves you like no one ever could. You are famous in His eyes. Who cares if you don’t have the approval of “so and so” or if you haven’t been accepted by the world? You have the approval of JESUS! He has accepted you, just as you are. This is a satisfaction of knowing that you are accepted because of what Jesus has done for you. If we keep trying to find acceptance and a sense of love and joy through earthy things...we will never find it. This is found only through Jesus, and Jesus alone.


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