Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled


   - Worry, what good has it ever done you? -

As humans, we have this idea that if we stress over things, then everything will be better. Our imagination plagues us with every possible scenario that could go wrong. We've gotten so used to thinking negatively. However, God has a much different view of this. He says,  "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me." (John 14:1)


Our world is in a lot of trouble right now, it has been for almost the past year. Mask mandates, drive-in church, and constant quarantine haven’t helped our already anxious minds. It seems that there is little peace on Earth. 


 We struggle to adjust to the “new normal” if you will. That’s just the thing though.  We are constantly striving for this thing called “normal.” Honestly, what is normal? Life is uncertain, things happen that we have absolutely no control over. The only normal thing in life is trouble, and disappointment. You can expect to have tribulations and trials in this world. However, don’t allow you to be discouraged.  These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) 


Why should we be troubled?  What is worth getting stressed about?

Yes, there are hard things that we will face in life, but if we allow our circumstances to demote our relationships with others, or to disable our ability to do our job well, then we have failed miserably. Allowing your emotions to control you will not bring you peace or contentment.


Think about it, a physical heart in trouble can do a lot of damage to the human body. The heart is vital to the human body, just as the mind is vital to your spiritual life. If you are constantly thinking negatively, it will wear on your emotions, your friendships, and even your spiritual life. It may even cause you to act in ways that you otherwise wouldn’t. God does not want to live in fear. He died to set us free, not only from the chains of sin, but from the fear that sin brings. Give up the right to your worry. 


Instead of being a worrier, why not be a warrior?

Not to be boastful, or to be better than anyone else, but just for you. Put aside your worries, your anxiety, and put your trust in Christ. In him alone you will find the peace that you so long for.  He promises, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you." (John 14:27)

-Elegantly Erin-


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