{The Names of Jesus}

{The Names of Jesus}

Isaiah 9:6

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

When these words were written, the Israelites were awaiting their coming Savior. You see, the Old Testament points to Jesus. They didn't have the stories of Jesus like we did growing up. All they had was this promise of a "Redeemer." The remarkable prophet, Isaiah, gave them these 4 descriptions, "Wonderful Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, and The Prince of Peace." All throughout Christ's ministry, He has held on to these four personalities/qualities.

He Is a Wonderful Counselor 

Matthew 12:42 describes our Wonderful Counselor as "greater than Solomon." Jesus is wiser, stronger, and more powerful than any man alive, even Solomon. If Solomon, in all his wisdom, is still lesser than Jesus, then He is most worthy of your trust. Even at the age of 12, Jesus was able to astound the Jewish rabbis with His wisdom. People were constantly amazed by this remarkable man, yet He was their Savior. He is our Creator, and he came to bring us life.  Whatever you are going through, Jesus will be your Counselor. He will be kind, and compassionate. Most importantly, He will give you wisdom beyond all understanding. You may not see Him physically step into the room and give you guidance, but you can find Him speaking to you through His word. Through His word, and our prayers, we are able to find assurance. Psalm 32:8 says "I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way that thou shalt go; I will guide thee with mine eye."

He is Mighty God

Psalm 50:1 says, "The mighty God, even the Lord, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof." I don't know much about life, but what I do know is that there will never be a day that God is any less than Almighty. He has the power to do anything and everything. He created the whole world just by the mention of a word. As humans, we can not fully comprehend how Almighty He truly is. Some believe this name to mean “he who gives light to men.” Aren’t you so thankful for the light that God has given you? Jesus is the light of the world! He is the light shining in the darkness, and His kingdom shall endure forever. He has no end. The song writer said it best, “He changed my life; He is the light; He is God’s Son.”

He is the Everlasting Father

Yes, God created the whole world. However that would be meaningless unless He loved you. As a father loves his son or daughter, God loves you. If He had created us and said, “Oh wow, they’re failures” we would have been in pretty bad shape. Yet He didn’t say that. Even when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, He didn’t give up on them. He had a plan to send his only begotten ((this means unique, or one-of-a-kind)) Son to the world. Why? Because he loved us. He loves you. Nothing can stop it. He cares about every single time you cry, every single time you are down. He will never let you down, Jesus will always be there to pick you up, even when you've messed up. He takes care of His children, not out of responsibility, but out of love. You never have to worry about Him dying. He is the “Everlasting Father.” Jesus has no beginning, and he has no end. 

He is the Prince Of Peace 

This is the last name listed in Isaiah 9:6, however it is definitely not the least. To me, God being the Prince of Peace has always been the most meaningful to me. To think that He can calm the stormy sea, without even a second thought. He heals the blind, and takes away the sting of the broken-hearted.  Jesus was born in a time of unrest, I mean he was born in a dirty stable. You can be sure Mary and Joseph were a little stressed, they had no place for The King of the World to be born, except this little stable. Can you imagine? Yet his birth brought hope and peace to the world.  The angels, the shepherds, the wise men, and even his parents rejoiced, for this was the promised Messiah. 

Jesus asked his disciples, “What do you say I am?” (Mark 8:27,29). This is a question that affects our eternity. It is a matter of not only acknowledging who Jesus Christ is, but also responding to it. Will you respond to His call this year? If you have already accepted Jesus as your Savior, don’t forget that He is so worthy of your worship. Whether you are wrestling with salvation, or you just need some strength for the new year, remember, “I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world (Matthew 28:20).” 

~Elegantly Erin~


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