{In Jesus we have Peace}

 Do you have peace in your heart?

When Jesus lives in our hearts he gives us peace that can calm even the strongest of storms. Even when it seems as though he is not there, don't worry he is always there and he is working an escape. 

Pray for peace in our world this Christmas season.

John 14 : 27

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

The word peace is mentioned 420 times in the Bible. Don't you think this could mean Jesus is pretty serious about it? I mean Jesus is called the Prince of Peace. 

Peace is something that can come only from Jesus. When Jesus enters your heart you have everlasting peace. Peace that runs on forever. The cares of this world can really get you down but we should all be reminded that Jesus is the prince of peace this Christmas season.

Life could be stressful you might feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. The coronavirus, politics, and all the corrupt stuff that is happening this world. Through it all Jesus is there and nothing is to worry about. 

Jesus will come into your heart and give you peace.

Somethings are underestimated. When we underestimate Gods power and omnipotence things can be scary. But when Jesus enters your heart he brings peace like a river flooding your heart.

Christmas is  so busy there is hardly time to relax. When you don't devote time to your Bible and to Jesus you forget the promises Jesus has. He promises us peace and longsuffering. You might feel like you are so busy and caught up in the world and all of the stuff that is happening but remember that Jesus is called the Prince of Peace even before he was born. In Isaiah it states all the names of the coming Messiah and one of those names is Prince of Peace.

When Peace comes you feel Jesus in your heart. What a relief to know that Jesus fills your heart with Joy and most of all PEACE.

The best thing we can do as Christians is PRAY that Jesus would enter hearts and peace would flood in. Prayer is the Answer. Remember that Jesus knows all he hears your prayer and is working even now in ways you don't even know and may never know. Just trust God knows what he is doing. 

I can trust when I can not see. When spirits are low and destressed look to God for peace and comfort. Spend simple time in your Bible even right now if you can. The Bible reminds us that God is always there and we have nothing to fear. Jesus is the Prince of peace.

Prince means Powerful. But gracious and kind in so many ways. Peace is a feeling oyu get that nothing other than Jesus can give. Through Jesus is the ONLY way. Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the Life". 

Christmas represents Love, Joy, and Peace through Christ Jesus the son of God. When we think of Christmas this is what comes to mind. We should look up and see what Jesus has done for us.

I challenge you to make a list of things that are special or important to you. We should always be grateful for the things in life that Jesus has given us. You never know when you will never see them again.


~Artistically Inspired~

Allison Myers 


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