“Abide With Me”

I was recently reading through the hymn book, because well why not. 

Anyways, in the song Abide With Me by Henry F. Lite the first verse says 
"Abide with me fast falls the even tide! The darkness deepened with me abide; when other helpers fail and comforts flee Help of the helpless O abide with me!" 

Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed and that I'm not getting anything done or anything I do is right. I need to even more trust God that my sins are forgiven and my chains are broken. I believe I am a Christian and some of the deepest discouragement I felt were both chosen to make me personally stronger and led to some of the best times I had with Jesus. God's hand on my shoulder assuring me the whole time He gave me the strength to resist temptation to fall into doubt and worry He gave me faith and that's is how I got through. Keep trusting that God will pull through and give Him your all; that is what He deserves.


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