God Loves You

“So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love…”

~ I John 4:16

God loves you.

It’s something you have probably heard a lot. There’s cute phone screen backgrounds that remind us of it, there are songs that tell us that He does, and there are many verses that remind us so beautifully. 

Yet it’s hard sometimes to really live like He does.

Our shortcomings get us down and make us feel like we aren’t capable of earning God’s love.

But here’s the amazing thing…We aren’t capable. But we don’t have to earn His love. 

I found a quote on Pinterest ( of course ;) ) that says, “God loves us enough to accept us as we are, but too much to leave us as we are” (Shayla Asselin).

Wow! I love that. He accepts us, but because He loves us He takes us deeper. 

But as He takes us deeper He loves us still. He doesn’t love you for what you can or cannot do...God loves you because you are His child. He chose to form you so wonderfully and to place you right where you are. He chose to give you that straight hair that you wish was a little curlier or those freckles that you wish weren’t there. He chose to give you the gifts that you have and to not give you those that you may not have.

 God chose you. And He keeps choosing you. God loves you. And He keeps loving you. 

God doesn’t make us and then abandon us. He doesn’t assign us to a difficult task and then make us face it on our own. He is there for us. He walks with us. He holds us. He cares for us. 

A verse that stuck out to me while I was preparing for this says this: “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love...” (I John 4:16). 

“So we have come to know and believe…” Wow. Do we know that God loves us? Do we believe that God loves us? Because guess what…He does! So much! 

God loves us as we are, but He takes us deeper in our relationship with Him. He loves us the way that He made us and He wants to use every little and big thing in our life to draw us to Himself. 

God wants to be there for you in this season...today! 

Let’s hold on to His promises in His Word. Let’s praise Him for loving us. Let’s love Him and then love others through the overflow of our love relationship with Him. 

As that famous VeggieTales line says…” God made you special and He loves you very much.” :) 

~ Lauren Young


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