"For Every Season..."


"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."

Ecclesiastes 3:1

1) God Appoints the Times and Seasons

 God has appointed times in our lives, whether they be happy or sad, easy or extremely difficult. This can raise more questions than answers, however it should bring you hope. We know that God is in control. God has a plan, He's got it together.

2) Our World Is Constantly Changing

Just think of all the different seasons. As we are entering into the autumn season, I am reminded of how change can be beautiful. Change can help you change. Change stretches you. It forces you to not be a "potato" Christian. God wants our hearts to be more like His, and we can only become more like Him if we ((you guessed it)) change.

3) God Does Not Change
Imagine if God were like us. If He went from one mood swing to the next. What if one day He said He loved us, and the next didn't? I am so thankful that I serve a God who is the "same yesterday today and forever." That means you can count on Him to always be there for you, no matter what. He will never stop loving you.

Remember no matter how cold the season may be, how challenging that situation is, or how much you have to change in your life: God has promised to make everything beautiful in His time.

~Elegantly Erin~


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