Trust His Heart

You know that time when all your circumstances seem to be impossible?! On the inside your screaming, "Lord, you gotta help me." You sound pretty desperate, right?

Charles Spurgeon once said "To trust God in the light is nothing, but to trust God in the dark..that is faith." Life isn't always sunshine.There are times in our lives when God forces us to depend on Him. It is our choice to 1) Depend Upon Him or 2) Harden Your Heart. 

The devil wants us to depend upon ourselves. He wants our immediate reaction to our problems to cause us to think about yourself. As long as we are trying to make things happen in our lives, God will hold back until we have worn ourselves out...until we are prepared to let Him have total control in our lives & circmstances. You must be "broken" to yourself, before God can "fix" your life.

 You see the real problem is not our situation; it is how we perceive them. If we do not view our circumstances through the "eye of faith" than we will not be able to understand the comparison of our problems to our great God. 

So how can you trust God more fully? Do what Proverbs 3:6 says: 

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

Did you know there's a reward for trusting God? Obedience to God is always followed by blessing.

Even when you can't feel His hand, trust His heart. He knows what is best. Trust Him & He will make your paths straight. 


  1. Beautiful post Erin,I really needed this ❤️Thank you.


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