Your Life Matters

                      Hey! Today I need to talk about a very serious topic. That topic is Suicide. 

A lot of bad things are happening in America right now. A lot of bad things are probably happening in your life right now. 

However, the devil tends to make things bigger than they actually are. He is directing your mind to what is wrong in your life. 

You may be thinking, “Why am I here? What is my purpose?” You may be doubting your existence. Every situation is different, but I know that God meant for you to have life on this earth to serve HIM! Your life matters more than you possibly could imagine! He has magnificent plans for you!

So please, talk to Him. He knows your pain. He knows your anger. He knows your temptations. He knows your confusion. He knows your anxiety. He KNOWS! 

It’s gonna be hard, but lean on Him! Read your Bible every day, and when you feel those bad thoughts coming in, start to sing a song! Talk to your parents, a mentor, a teacher, a best friend—anyone! Seek help! 

If you who are struggling with this life threatening problem are reading this, listen to me. You MATTER! You are so very special in God’s eyes and in my eyes. Your life matters!! 

So keep marching on. You will get through this. Trust me, you will come out stronger than before. 

“This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live” 
Deuteronomy 30:19


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