What’s in a Name?

When people hear your name, what is there reaction? Do they respond with positivity or negativity? When someone needs help, do they think you’d be willing to help? 

With or without being intentional, each and everyone of us are making a “name” for ourselves. Our actions speak louder than words. Whether we’re on the job, hanging out with friends, or just completing the mundane activities of life.  

Our reputation is formed by the comments we share with others, the words we use, and our reactions to everything around us. All these things lead people to form an opinion about us. I know, we all have good days and bad days. Situations can cause our attitudes to be a little sour. However, being human is no excuse. We need to start taking responsibility for our attitudes & actions.

Proverbs 22:1 says “ A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold”

Before we go any further, let’s cover some bases. What is a good name? A good name is filled with an uplifting and inspiring spirit. Having an excellent spirit is vital to winning souls to Christ. Our ultimate goal is to be like Him. 

How can we be like Him? In order to have an excellent spirit you have to start by living close to a God. Spending time in His word, seeking his face, and attending church. You have to stop playing the part and starting living it. 

You are the only one who has control over your reputation. Why? Because you are responsible for you’re actions. Don’t forget, that when you say you are a Christian - you are not only representing yourself, you are representing Christ. Be intentional about your life. 

~When people hear your name, let them think of Jesus~



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