A Call Away

Hey it’s Mikayla with another post I hope will be beneficial to you. 

*ring *ring *ring 

The familiar sound of a phone line unanswered. Soon you’ll hear the automated voice message. You know the drill when a friend or family member doesn’t pick up the phone. It may be for different reasons, such as the person was preoccupied, the phone line was disconnected, or (I’ll be blunt) maybe they just didn’t want to hear from you. 

However, you know Who always picks up the phone? I’m guessing you know His name already, hence the “Who” and “His”. 

His name is Jesus Christ. 

Jesus will never leave you hanging. He is always there when you call. Some of the time He’s already answered even before you have called! We all know God works in mysterious ways. 

Friends will let you down. Family will let you down. Leaders will let you down. All of man kind will let you down. Nevertheless, Jesus Christ is a rock you can cling to. He is always there, any time you need Him. Even when you don’t think you need Him, you need Him and He is there. 

“The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.” ~Psalm 145:18 


  1. Beautiful post Mikayla !
    Great reminder ,so encouraging,Thank you for sharing your talents ❤️


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