Time What?

The clock is ticking: Projects, deadlines, and to-do lists seem endless. You feel as if there is never enough time to get everything accomplished. At the end of the day, you're still thinking about that one thing you didn't get done, or something you wish you had done better. Here are a few things that have helped me to use my time wisely and effectively:

   1# Don't Procrastinate: Stay committed to the project. Don’t check out just because you’d rather be doing something else. If you get it done, you’re to-do list will thank you.

2# Plan Your Day: Set aside specific times for each job. This has really helped me. Make a list of all you need to accomplish that day, and than plan when you need to get it done. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, but it will help you to be effective with your time. 

3# Get the Difficult Task Done: In other words, if you're anything like me, you always wait to do the hardest subject last. However, I've learned, it's going to be a lot easier if you "kill the cat" first.

4# Don't Multi-Task: Researchers have proven that you make more mistakes, it slows you down, and that it can cause you to overreact. I love multi-tasking, but I realized that I would accomplish the job with much better results if I did one thing at a time, instead of three or four things.

5# Reward Yourself: For every job you accomplish, reward yourself. It's so important to do this, otherwise you're going to become burn-out, and feel like you're taking advantage of yourself. Even if it's as simple as letting yourself relax with a coffee for awhile, do it. The world's not going to stop if you take a little "me time." 

Stay tuned for more next time!! 


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