Living Intentionally for Christ

 Living Intentionally for Christ 

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.”

Ephesians 5:1 calls us to follow Christ’s example. When we examine Jesus’ example on earth, we see his decisions that were intentionally made and were done with purpose. Everything Jesus did was done for a reason, and as his children we should do the same. 

God did not create this world by accident, nor did he make us at random. 

“Even before the world was made, God chose us for Himself because of His love” (Ephesians 1:4). 

God has a plan for your life, and he wants you to be intentional about it. 

What does it mean to live intentionally? 

Intentional living is not having your whole life figured out at once. However, living intentionally requires purpose for pursuit. Intentional living is taking a step back, and asking yourself why you do things - and taking those responses seriously. Living with intention means closely examining your decisions, and understanding your motives for making those choices. 

The main goal is to bring purpose to your actions that are directed heavenward.  The world will tell us that living intentionality means striving for what this world has to offer.  Biblical intentionality means putting God first in our everything and making decisions that ultimately glorify Him.

How does the Bible direct us in living intentionally? 

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25)

The best guide to living intentionally is through being led by the Spirit. If we try to construct our own plans for an intentional life, we will eventually fail. However, if we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, our lives will have purpose and meaning. God’s infinite perspective will not always make sense with our limited perspective, but when we choose to trust Him, we will find peace. He knows what is best. When we “keep in step with the Spirit,” we will most certainly fulfill the purpose that God has created for us. 

The clearest sign of living intentionally is that your actions are glorifying Christ. 

Why do we struggle to live intentionally?

While there are many reasons and distractions that keep us from living intentionally for Christ, there are three that stand out the most. 

  1. Our Identity Crisis

How can we live intentionally for Christ, if our identity has not first been founded in him? We discover who we are when we are rooted in God’s Word and grounded in Christ. If we are still searching for identity, we are not ready to live intentionally. By getting to know Christ, we set the stage for finding ourselves in Him. If you truly desire to live intentionally, spend time with the Lord. Seek his face, and he will teach you who you are through his Word. If you are struggling to find a place to start, I highly recommend starting in Ephesians 1. 

  1. Half-Hearted Christian

According to James, a lukewarm Christian is “unstable in all their ways.” If intentionality truly means pursuing God with your whole heart, lukewarm Christians do not meet the criteria. In order to fully pursue Christ, you cannot dabble in the world and attempt to live for Jesus at the same time. A person who is riding the fence is stuck and cannot move towards purpose without making a decision. If you find yourself in this place, make a decision to whom you will serve: God or the world. You can’t have both.

  1. Running from Christ 

Running from God is not consistent with living out his purpose for your life. If he is speaking to you, and you continue to shut his voice out, you cannot live intentionally this way. Rejecting Christ will drive you farther from living a life of intentionality. At this point, the only hopeful option is to fully surrender your life to Christ. While it won’t always be easy, your life will have true purpose & meaning.

How can you start living intentionally?

Pursue God daily.

Keep your eyes on God. Continue to walk in the Spirit. Follow his leadership with your whole heart. Spend time in the Word and in prayer. Whatever you do, even the tiniest decisions, ensure they honor God. The smallest and biggest areas of our lives should reflect the light of our Saviors. If you mess up, don’t let your heart be troubled. Get back up, and keep walking in the light. Life is filled with ups and downs, and bumps along the way. This is why we cannot live intentionally on our own. It is only through God’s transforming power. Invite Him in every detail of your life, and you will be on the right path to living intentionally. 

So, as we draw to a close - are you living intentionally for Christ?


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