God is Our Refuge

 {God is Our Refuge} 

~ Inspired by Psalm 46 ~

Who or what is your refuge? When life takes a turn for the worse, what do you cling to?

In our world today, it is easy to become distracted by insignificant things that truly won’t matter long-term. When circumstances are out of our control, we tend to run to everyone and everything else, except Jesus. Even good things, such as godly mentors, counselors, friends, etc. can end up being a distraction from our relationship with Christ. As 2 Corinthians 11:14 says, the devil comes as an “angel of light.” The devil will use anything to cause us to lose our focus. While it’s easier said than done, let’s make Jesus our first priority, instead of our last resort.

Cultivating a holy habit of coming to Christ in prayer in the simplest, everyday things is the way forward. As in any relationship, communication is key. The more we fellowship with the Lord, our first inclinations will turn to Him for help in our time of need. While pondering this thought, my mind correlated it to the story of Joseph. This young man went through it all - false accusations, slavery, prison, and more. He went through the darkest times and deepest valleys, yet God was with him. Why was God with Him? Since Joseph held onto his faith, he was able to withstand the fiery darts thrown at him.

In the first verse of Psalm 46, the word refuge means “a place of shelter from pursuit and danger.” During Joseph’s life, our faithful God was a refuge for him. God was his refuge, and He will be ours. He will be what you need him to be, at the right time you need Him! While God is all-powerful, he is not a distant God - the exact opposite. In our time of trouble, He is nearest.

As David wrote in Psalm 46, “we will not fear.” Throughout God’s Word, we find the theme of not fearing repeatedly. Not only has God called us to not fear, he has made himself a shelter in the midst of storms. When God is our refuge, we find strength to overcome fear.

In conclusion, another passage reminds us:

When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” (Isaiah 43:2)

Whether it be flame or flood, when God is our refuge and strength, we can make it! 

Make your refuge in Christ - you won’t regret it!


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