{The Abundance of Mundane}

{The Abundance of Mundane}

Hey, there! It’s the long-lost blogger, Mikayla! I do apologize for the major lack of posts and presence on the blog. Life happens, but there is still so much to praise my Savior for! Today I’m here to hopefully give you a beneficial perspective:)

Has life ever gotten boring, almost? The same thing, over and over? Daily routines, school, work—and finally the bedtime that never seems to last as long as it should?

Life, for me, has been filled with a lot of change lately. I too, know the dread of hearing your alarm clock go off at 6 AM and totally being in denial that it’s going off, haha! Who hasn’t? 

Perhaps, it’s not so much of a repeat everyday but more of an exhaustion from just simply going. You may be getting tired of constantly having to be somewhere or be doing something. Being in demand can be a good thing, but drains you so quickly. 

Maybe you feel stuck. You can’t get a breakthrough. You feel as though you can’t get out of a slump that’s been steady for months. You want change. You desire a change of pace, a certain situation to move along, a chance to breathe—but you’re just tired of the mundane. 

Here, let’s review the definition of ‘Mundane’ for a second…

“lacking interest or excitement; dull.

Without a doubt, you’ve experienced a mundane lifestyle at one point. The common, day-to-day routines. If you’re not thrilled with what your routine holds everyday, after time, it will most likely get boring. If you aren’t enjoying what you are generally doing, overtime you will get tired of it. 

Now, maybe you really love your lifestyle right now. You, at least, enjoy it a little bit and you are totally happy with your routine—essentially where you’re at in life right now. You are happy with it. 

That’s an amazing thing. But, there may or may not be a tad of mundane somewhere. Perhaps, in a situation you are dealing with, awaiting something to improve—or simply just bored with (this will be kind of cold, but hear me out!)...the people in your life.

Sidenote: what I’m learning to do is keep close attention to my relationships, routine, diet and mindset. It is hard at times to eliminate toxic habits and surroundings, but making sure these things are healthy and glorifying God will overall improve your tiredness of mundanity. 

It can be easy to be weary of the mundane things in life.


Enjoy where you’re at. 

There’s constantly going to be something you aren’t going to be entirely content and frustrated at. But, friend, don’t let that stop you from living an abundant life! 

In John chapter 10 Jesus promises a life of abundance to His children. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10) When living in the center of God’s Will, you are living a life of abundant joy! 

What is an abundant life? First, abundance is spiritual abundance, not material. In fact, God is not overly concerned with the physical circumstances of our lives. He cares, but isn’t solely focused on those singular problems. Physical blessings may or may not be part of a God-centered life; neither our wealth nor our poverty is a sure indication of our standing with God. He doesn’t guarantee us physical blessings when we choose to serve Him, but He does guarantee eternal life and abundance. 

But what about the mundane? Can I find abundance in my alarm going off, clocking in for my shift, changing diapers or opening up my google Docs? How can I find abundance in the mundane things in my day-to-day life? 

Jesus can elevate your mundane, friend. 

You may not think of it, but Jesus was recorded to choose a life of mundanity. The activities He took part in were consistent and stable. E.g He would prepare meals for those He cared for, He washed His disciple’s feet and traveled the roads to nearby cities. Yet, He found joy and abundance in those things. If the Son of Man, who will one day descend with the clouds of heaven, made time to hold some kids and cook some fish, and found joy in doing these things, you can be content and find joy in your day-to-day activity. 

Jesus also leaves us with a challenge to view mundanity differently. He has called you to this spot, right now. He doesn’t want you to be discouraged or tired of the little boring things in your life. He also celebrates mundane activity done in His name. “Come, you who are blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.” (Matthew 25:34-39) Mundane activity you have doing God’s work will never be wasted. 

Think of it this way, friend…Jesus Himself is abundant, right? So why wouldn’t the boring, tiring, mundane things in the center of His Will be abundant? 

A comforting take-away: 
God is still near in your “stuck-ness”. He is working in your heart though the days of tiredness and dullness. He has placed you in the place you are. He won’t abandon you. Ever. You may not have anything to look forward to right now. That’s frustrating, but maybe this means you need to focus more on what is in front of you in the present moment.

You can always find abundance in Him, friend. Don’t be discouraged by the mundane, tiring things you face every day. God has created you with purpose. Nothing done in God’s work is for nothing! 

Take these thoughts with you today. Stay encouraged!

-Mikayla Poff


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