Walking in the Spirit | IHC Recap


IHC Recap

Four of the five bloggers were privileged to attend to annual Interchurch Holiness Convention in Gatlinburg, TN! In this post, we hope to share our highlights and our unique experiences! If you are unfamiliar with our pen names, check out our "Meet Us" post! 

{Perfectly Poff}

Hey Friends! This was my second IHC and it was so special in so many different ways. The services were so wonderful to experience. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to have gone.

{Kayla's Korner}

The IHC convention has, in the last two years that I have gone have been a good refreshing time for me. This year IHC looked a little different, but was probably the best yet! God met with  us in the services, the weather was amazing and the fellowship was good for my heart. A big highlight was singing in the Union Bible College choir in the Tuesday night service! Praising the Lord and singing to the IHC crowd was a dream come true. And singing in the Mass choir was the funnest thing I have ever done! IHC was a busier time this year but was so good for me. Can’t wait for next year!

{Authentically Allison}

IHC this year was such a blast! The services were especially moving. I loved the theme of  "Walking in the Spirit." From getting coffee with friends to amazing Italian food overall it was an amazing 3 days.

{Elegantly Erin}

IHC is always a highlight of my year - and this year was no exception! From record breaking crowds to beautiful weather to crazy milkshakes, it was a blast. I truly enjoyed every moment of being apart of these special three days. The services were all  impactful, but especially Thursday evening when Bro. Fourman spoke. His challenge to stay on track in living in the present and keep walking in the spirit was so helpful.  I loved his passion and zeal for God and hope to echo that in my own life!  The mass choir was also a "wow" moment and left me in awe of God! For me, IHC was a recharging week and reconnecting with long-distance friends!  I'm so thankful for being apart of the holiness movement. I was one of the 4,942!

All in all, each of us had a wonderful experience! If you were able to attend in person or virtually, feel free to leave a comment sharing your favorite IHC 2023 moment! 

To conclude this post, we'll leave you with some Scripture inspired by the theme of the convention, "Walking in the Spirit."

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." ~ Galatians 5:16 ~

"For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light." 
 Ephesians 5:8

"If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." Galatians 5:25 ~

If you enjoyed this post, we encourage you to share it on social media or with a friend! 
Thanks for reading! 

~ The Bloggers 



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