Day by Day


Hey friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful Friday. I have been really struggling with putting together blog posts lately; I’ve just felt very uninspired.

 Do you ever feel like super uninspired? If you do, you’re not alone. Anyways, have you ever done a read the Bible in a year challenge? I always wanted to, but I never did until this year. I love it but I do find that it is difficult to keep up with the schedule with school, work, babysitting etc. I find it discouraging to be behind where I am scheduled to be (I think that’s why I never started the read the Bible in a year challenge before, because I was afraid of falling behind). 

What I have realized though is that it’s okay to fall a little behind as long as you’re intentional with when you read and how you read. I find so much enjoyment and inspiration when I read the Bible. There is so much I didn’t really understand or know until I really took time to read it in depth in the mornings or evenings. Even if you don’t read 3 chapters everyday or if you get so busy some days that you’re not able to read any, it’s okay.  

As long as you get into God’s Word with a open mind, you’ll find that there is so much you may have missed. This isn’t my usual post but I hope that you enjoyed it and found it to be helpful.                   




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