Making a Mark


Hey guys, I know it's been a while. I'm here to share some tips I have for painting and drawing in general. Also, things I thought about when painting it! 

1. Always use a reference- so I know how hard it is to find references and sometimes you just want to use your imagination, but in my personal experience it helps to add an overall feeling of cohesiveness in your work if you use references or even better 1 reference for the whole time.

2. Keep going- I understand that sometimes you get bored with painting or drawing something after spending a certain amount of time on something, but there is also the element to it that if you finish you are going to have a sense of accomplishment at completing something that wasn't a one and done deal but took a lot of effort and time. Also, the more effort you put in the better it will turn out.

3. Take a break- If you feel like you don't like what you have so far, take a step back and take a break. Sometimes when you look at something you only see flaws. Taking a break can help you realize what you like about your piece and give you a fresh perspective.

Painted by Emmaus Roberts 


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