Abundant Living


Abundant Living 

How can we live abundantly?

John 10:10 tells us “I have come that they might have life and more abundantly.” 

What is abundant living? Living an abundant life means dwelling on the blessings rather than the trials. Instead of complaining of sorrow, rejoice in the midst of adversity. A mindset that is inclined to see the glass as half-full instead of half-empty. We are often tempted to think that it means to have an overabundance of material possessions. However, this is not what Christ meant in John 10. Material possessions are of little value to the things of God. 

We read in Matthew 6:19-21 - “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal;  but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” If our hearts are right with Christ, the things of God should have precedence in our lives. This ties into living abundantly. God assures us that we ought not worry over the future and the provisions of life. Our Heavenly Father is watching over us, providing our needs and blessing us with many of our wants. 

Your physical personal quota is not an accurate representation of your relationship with God. In order to start living an abundant life, we must first start by putting our faith in Jesus Christ. When our faith is found in Christ, we will gravitate towards building a personal relationship with Christ. As we build a relationship with Christ, we become more like Him. Our motives will change. Our attitudes will change. Our desires will change. An accurate representation of our relationships with Christ can be determined by your motivesattitudes, and desires

“When you love all that you have, you have everything you need.”

Genuine abundant living comes from a joyful contented heart and full of gratitude towards what we have, not what we wish for. Life may be utterly chaotic, but as Christians, we can still experience the joy that comes from knowing Jesus. Being satisfied with our present circumstances, even if they aren’t perfect. 

Our lives are not measured by power, positions, or prestige, but the condition of our heart. We can live an abundant life, because our Jesus is the giver of our life. The moment we surrender our lives to Christ, we are granted eternal life. If we have eternal life, our treasures can be stored up in Heaven. 

Thank you for reading!

~ Elegantly Erin ~


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