Life is Short, So Here’s Some Tips from the Kitchen


James 4:14 asks a sobering question…. “What is your life?” This provoking thought may prove depressing for the non-believer, but for the Christian, it provides motivation to make your life count for Jesus! Life is a vapor - gone in an instant. This means that the Christian must be extra intentional with the short time he has to be a witness and make a life well-lived for Christ!

As I was thinking on tips to be prepared and live life to the fullest, the kitchen came to mind. Weird, but hang with me. The whisks are great, but you’d batter believe that the result tastes amazing. Okay, I’ll stop :) but here’s some of my thoughts. I hope something said here will help you! 

1. Make Things
Yes, it goes without saying. A kitchen is a place where ingredients turn into dishes. But this only happens if the cook puts the effort into it. We can live our lives well if we want to. We have to be the ones to put the effort in. We, through God’s help, determine how our life story will be made.

2. Keep Stocked Up
A kitchen only functions properly if the right ingredients are present. Bread without yeast doesn’t rise. Cookies without vanilla extract prove tasteless. By keeping a stocked kitchen, great things are made. God’s Word, His Holy Spirit, and steady church attendance are all ingredients for success. Without any of these, a Christian cannot make a “tasteful” or fulfilling life. Keep your “kitchen” stocked with Scripture and mentors to form your life’s dish.

3. Follow the Recipe 
Rules are meant to be followed. Without a system of order and regulation, mistakes happen. God’s Word has clearly outlined a recipe for the successful Christian. But if His “recipe book” (the Bible) is not followed, disaster occurs, and mistakes are made. We error greatly when we think we know better or can make better than the Master Chef. Follow His guidelines, cause He makes the best!

4. Get Creative 
This may seem a contradiction to #3. However, God gave the gift of creativity to His children. He loved His creation so much that He gave them the gift of creating. As long as we stay in His guidelines, we can get pleasure out of making things for Him, and blessing others with our life.

5. Take your Time
Hurry is a joy killer. Not only do you not live in the moment, but you lose pleasure when your focus isn’t intentional. Hurried “cooking” often tends to lead to fluttered mistakes. My mom would often tell me “haste makes mistakes”. I usually heard this when I was in such a hurry, that I accidentally messed up in the process. Take your time to enjoy life and the gifts He’s given you. You will enjoy your life and live it to the fullest when you’re not in a hurried fluster.

6. Clean up the Messes
A messy kitchen is unattractive. There is something about a clean kitchen that attracts people, and makes them anticipate the food that comes from there. Such is the same with a life that makes Christ look attractive. When a Christian is joyful and has a peace about him, others want what they have. So make your “kitchen” attractive so that people will want what you have!

7. Lick the Bowl:)
Have fun! There is true joy in serving Jesus, and for the Christian, life doesn’t have to be dull or hopeless! We serve a God who delights to give good gifts to His children. So enjoy life by loving His creation and by sharing happiness with others. Enjoy the life He placed you in! 

Editor's Note: Special thanks to Miss Samantha Ryan for writing this for us! If you enjoyed this post, I would encourage you to share it with a friend! As always, thank you for taking the time to read this article! 


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