But What If It Could Be Wonderful?


Hey, friends! Happy Friday! It’s Mikayla with another post for you all today;)) 

The post today has a good bit to do with perspective. A topic most of us have dealt with. I ask you to please, before you start reading, to open your heart. I doubt what I have to say will be altering in a big way, but I do know God has put this subject on my heart. Happy reading! 

Let’s talk about Zachariah and Elizabeth for a quick sec…you know this couple as a stepping stone to the prophesied John the Baptist. You know Elizabeth from the well known interaction between her and Mary—when the babes leaped in their wombs. The beginning of a connection like no other between Jesus the Messiah and John the Baptist. 

However, this story wasn’t all rainbows. As the story is told, Zechariah and Elizabeth were unable to bear children. This was a long, long season of waiting and trial for this couple. In fact, it was so long that Zechariah lost hope all together. When he was told Elizabeth would bear a child, he was so doubtful that to this point he laughed. He doubted God THAT much. Little did he know what lied ahead. 

God rewarded Elizabeth for her faithfulness…and Zechariah too. God came through, despite the doubt. What looked like something to be terrible, turned out to be wonderful. 

One side thing I will add real quick…Zechariah doubted. However, God didn’t hold that against him. He was struck mute and deaf until the day his son was born…but God still rewarded Him. 

You know, questioning God may seem wrong. A few people would say, “Why would you question God? Hasn’t He proven Himself enough to you? How dare you doubt God’s plan!” Okay hold up…you and I know even the strongest Christian struggles. Maybe even more so. God gives us efficient grace. He hears our questions, and while He longs for you to have faith in Him, He is a merciful God who doesn’t give up on us. Please do not feel guilty for asking God, “why?” We are human, with a carnal mind to immediately doubt. It’s how we are. It’s times like those we grow closer to our God!

Let’s say you are presented a challenging situation…you have two responses. 

You could lean into the thread in your mind the devil sneaks in and decide it’s going to go downhill, you can’t take it anymore, everything that could go wrong will go wrong and so forth. 


You could choose to hear that thread that says, this will work out, I am going to grow in this, it’ll be a fun time. 

Then there’s a more important question…

who are you going to listen to? 

You could listen to the tiny, yet mighty voice that discourages you, weakens you, and robs your faith in the situation. 


You could listen to the voice that says…

But what if it could be wonderful? 

You see friends, we have a choice. We could either succumb to the lies the devil disguises as truth, or we could choose to know God is working and that He is faithful to prevail. 

It is so easy to be discouraged and let that dynamic off set your entire day, or in your situation. As you’ve heard, the devil won’t knock at your door announcing his pounce. He will slyly worm his way into your mindset, using your human weakness to get you down. 
But it’s what we choose to believe that makes the difference, friend. 

A year ago today actually, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness, and three months later diagnosed with another. I was at a camp meeting I’m currently in this week in Christiansburg, Virginia in 2021, and it was difficult to stay possitive about it. This battle was rather difficult, especially in the beginning with the sick months, finding medications, dietary modifications, triggers etc. While I didn’t understand, God turned that negative, hopeless situation into a season of growth. A challenge. A time of genuine prosperity. Now I can’t imagine myself without these illnesses God has put me with…it has helped mold me. God did a 180 and turned my mindset around. 

God will do that for you. 

Chose to be positive and have faith God will do it. Start asking yourself in those moments of doubt and discouragement, what if it could turn out better than expected? What if God has something incredible planned? What if the unknown is a beautiful thing? 

Friend, I hope this was an encouragement to you. I hope you find not only positivity, but hope in these words and in scripture. 

Because what if it could be wonderful?

1 Peter 5:10 “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.”

until next time, 

Mikayla Poff 


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