Reckless Words

 “There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.”- Proverbs 12:18 

When God created the world, he spoke it into existence. When Jesus came to earth, he spoke and the lepers were healed. When the apostles preached, they spoke and thousands were gathered into the kingdom. Powerful things happen when we speak, even without our knowledge. 

Our words have the power to either accomplish great things or to inflict terrible damage. They have the potential to build up or to tear down. They can either sow life or death. God created us with the ability to speak words that are granted incredible clout. 

Repeatedly in Scripture, we are reminded to choose our words carefully. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” The things that we say and the tone we use often reveal our character. Our words are the fruit of what is in our hearts. If our hearts are right with Christ, we will have no desire but to speak kindly. 

As believers, we are called to follow Jesus’ example. His example shows us that we are to use our words wisely and to use them in a God-honoring way. Our words are instruments that have the ability to lead others to Christ, whether by sharing the gospel or by simply replying with a loving spirit. We must remember that while our words may be kind, the spirit we say them in should reflect the words that we speak. If we are to use our words to point others to Christ, we must be genuine.

I am reminded of the Sunday School song: 

“O be careful little tongue what you say,

O be careful little tongue what you say;

For the Father up above is looking down in love,

So, be careful little tongue what you say.”

God has allowed us to create with our words. We can edify, encourage, inspire, and uplift. We can speak life-giving words and create life-giving atmospheres. We also have the potential to tear down, condemn, humiliate, and uproot. This is why it is so essential to guard our hearts and guard our mouths. 

As humans, our perspective often limits us to viewing speech as a method of communication. However, the big picture shows us that our words are truly spiritual weapons that have eternal impact. Proverbs 13:3 says, “He that keeps his mouth keeps his life: but he that opens wide his lips shall have destruction.”

Look for ways today you can exalt Christ through your speech. Find opportunities to sincerely encourage and commend your coworkers, family members, pastor, neighbors,  and church congregation. Have you spoken hurtful words? Do you need to make repairs? The tongue of the wise brings healing!


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